Snob Essentials

Hair Trend: Gray Hair

From Kate Moss to Tavi, the latest hair trend is going gray. I recently had my hair colored at OC61 by the most AMAZING colorist Laurie Daniel (seriously, if you live in NYC and highlight/color your hair…go see her. I can pretty much guarantee satisfaction), and chatted with her about this trend. Laurie made a great point when she said that no matter who you are, putting some shades of gray near your face will immediately age you. While Tavi is still super-cute and Kate looks gorgeous no matter what, there’s no denying that they both look way, way, way older with the gray streaks in their hair. Personally I don’t like this trend and will be sticking with my sun-kissed dirty blonde.

What say you about gray hair? Snob or Slob?


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1 comment

  1. I seriously cannot understand why people love Tavi so much. I find her style to be extremely unappealing. Maybe I just don’t understand her genius, but she is one person I will never look to for style tips. Ever.