Snob Essentials

The Fresh Air Fund: Refresh Your Family


Sometimes it’s important to promote a truly good cause, and this is one of those moments. The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency serving New York City children since 1877, is in need of host families for this summer. Host families are volunteers who open their homes and hearts to city children, giving them a Fresh Air experience that can be life changing. This wonderful organization places children (ranging from 6 to 18 years old) with loving families for an opportunity to enjoy a summer vacation in the country or the suburbs. Last summer, the Volunteer Host Family Program, called Friendly Town, provided almost 5,000 New York City girls and boys with this amazing experience. The Fresh Air Fund is currently looking for host families in the thirteen northeastern states (from Virginia to Maine) and Canada. Families can range in size, ethnicity and background, and there is no financial requirement. Children are placed for up to two weeks or more. So, please consider this wonderful opportunity to not only enrich the life of a child, but your own in the process! Go to their website for more information.



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