Snob Essentials

Sartore Dusty Grey Cowboy Boot: Summer Savior


Summer boots may sound like an oxymoron to some, but to me it sounds like a perfect addition to a concert outfit, or a perfect look for a lazy Sunday picnic. The Sartore Dusty Grey Cowboy Boots are the perfect height for a short summer dress and a little fedora action. You could also rock these with some shorts and a button up for a laid back but put together look. These boots are so vertisile that you could wear them a million times over and still surprise people with the looks you pull off. What else is awesome about wearing summer boots you ask? Well, in the case of these grey guys, you will stay super comfortable no matter what the occasion. I can’t tell you how many events or dates I’ve been on when I end up standing up for long period of time (sometimes directly in the sun) in some cute wedges or high heels thinking if I don’t pass out from heat exhaustion, the back pain will definitely kill me. These boots would eliminate that from my list of things to worry about this summer. I’m now on to bug bites and sunburns.

Pick these up at Elyse Walkericon for $910.


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1 comment

  1. The grey is perfect for summer and I absolutely love boots with summer dresses etc. Grey is my favourite colour for shoes and bags at the moment.