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Gag Me With A Chain


As we wait for the Fall 2006 shows, let us waste some time and reflect on what makes us gag. WTF is up with all the Las Vegas style chain print from LV?? Its totally gross. Who wants that? I mean, Joan Collins is dead isn’t she? Or maybe this hatred is personal. As a teenager my mom bought me this Ferragamo raincoat covered entirely in a hideous chain print and I thought it was the greatest thing ever because it was “designer”. I wore that with pride and now looking back I’m just embarrassed, so this whole new revival of this trend does not atone for my earlier bad taste but instead feeds into my fear that maybe I still have lingering teenage bad taste, which would be my worst fear in life.

But in all objectivity, you just wonder what Marc Jacobs is thinking. Well, perhaps he is not thinking. Its that big conglomerate run by men with wives who had their prime in the 80’s and now need to reassure themselves that they have always been chic even in those dark days of the Texas chain print massacre trend are breathing down his neck in order to restore the confidence of their no longer botox-viable skin. And there is plenty of proof that Marc is not steering his own ship here, let’s not forget about the Barf Bucket.

In the end, this has nothing to do with me at all. It is clearly shockingly revolting. Just look at it.

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