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Amazing Overnight Pedicure with Lanolin


This beauty secret is something I only share with close friends because it is a little embarrassing. Basically what I am suggesting is that you use nipple cream on your feet. So you see how this is not something you shout out across the table at a dinner party. But yes, you heard correctly. Lanolin, an oil extracted from wool, is used for breastfeeding mothers to relieve cracked sore nipples. Your feet, although slightly less sensitive, also loves the thick oil and will soak it all up giving you soft moist baby feet that your honey won’t mind kissing and massaging. The process is simple, slather on a thick layer before bedtime and put on socks to keep it all in ( I use spa socks that are easier to get once my feet are oily but gym socks work just as well). You will be blown away by how great your feet look after just one night but do this every night and you will be obsessing over your perfect feet. Of course, still get your pedicures because this does nothing for your toe nails. Start now and by summer you will be able to wear your favorite strappy sandal or flip flop. Get it at for $9.49. I am so sure you will be amazed that I am putting this to the test. If you would like to try this for a week and write a review based on your experience, email me and I will send a tube out to you. The first 3 to respond will be chosen.

Update: Thanks to everyone who emailed me about trying this! I already have my 3 reviewers and will post them in a couple of weeks.

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