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Robert Sabuda’s Pop-Up Magic


New York Times Best-Selling Author Robert Sabuda has reinvented the Pop-Up book. His museum worthy pieces of art will be as entertaining to you as they are to your kids. One small caveat is that some stories are a little lengthy, so I provide my own shorter version. However, the structures are amazing, making the stories leap off the page captivating my toddler.

As a child, Robert loved when his mother read him bedtime stories. He also had a passion for drawing and constructing art projects. He discovered pop-up books in the waiting room during a very scary trip to the doctor’s office (aren’t they all?) and his fears disappeared. With that as his inspiration, he began constructing amazing pop-up creations with his partner Matt Reinhart. They have published their pop-up version of classics such as The Jungle Book and Alice in Wonderland, as well as written some of their own stories. The paper creations are somewhat fragile, so they are the perfect stories to share with slightly older kids. Available at

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