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Bugaboo Bee Arrives – Babystyle Exclusive


The Bugaboo Bee has arrived in North America. Babystyle cut an exclusive deal with Bugaboo to sell the Bee before it hits mainstream. I walked into the store this morning ready to test one & they barely had the chance to take it out of the box. When set up, it looks like an exoskeleton. I wanted to feed it some carbs or something, but if you want lightweight then I guess that is what you are going to look like. Even though it’s skinny on looks, the Bee has all the bells and whistles.

Collapsibility: Because it was so new, the first few attempts at collapsing were clumsy. However, after a little breaking in, the Bee was closing effortlessly. Weighing in at 17 pounds, the closed stroller was relatively easy to lift. Although, the hidden carry handle that pops up is a little awkward. If necessary, it could be hoisted into the trunk with one hand even though two would be easier.

Seat: The cushioned chair reclines at four levels ranging from lying to sitting upright. The seat bottom is adjustable so that you can make it small for shorter legs and longer as your child grows. The sunshade is unbelievable as it provides virtually full coverage for your baby. You can easily change the seat to be forward or rear facing.

Storage: The underneath storage is front loading, which I have never seen before. I love this feature because it is much easier to move your kid’s legs to the side then try to squeeze purchases in behind their back. For even more accessibility, the seat bottom lifts up making a larger opening for the storage area. However, if your child is in the seat then lifting the seat bottom becomes an issue.

Other features: The handle bar is adjustable. I have heard that the 20 inch width is narrow enough to fit through subway turnstiles; although, the sales assistant at Babystyle couldn’t confirm. How wonderful for city dwellers. For all Bugaboo owners don’t worry that your large shock-absorbing tires are gone. The Bee’s small tires are foam filled and have independent suspension to keep your tots riding comfortably. The stroller accommodates newborn to 37.5 pounds. While you can buy adaptors for various car seats in spring 2008, the baby nest accessory, similar to a bassinet, is available starting next month for $100.

Bottom-line is that I worship this stroller! I wanted to hate it. I wanted a reason to tell you fellow snobbers not to waste your money. After all, it is rare a stroller lives up to the hype. I really wanted not to have stroller envy as I saw others pushing their Bugaboo Bee, but I will be extremely jealous as I am not in the market for a stroller right now. However, if you desire to purchase the Bee, I would do so immediately. I heard Babystyle only received 400 strollers and they sold 123 yesterday. They expect to be sold out before week’s end. An additional bonus, each Bee purchase before August 31, 2007, if still available, are automatically entered to win a $500 Babystyle shopping spree.

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