Snob Essentials

Laurie Berkner: Hip Songs to Sing


Tired of listening to The Wiggles or Dora the Explorer? So was I. Sometimes I seriously wanted to consider wearing earplugs while driving, but I decided that was too hazardous. My breaking point hit when I would fall asleep at night hearing these ridiculous songs echoing in my head. Then my Mom came to the rescue…Don’t they always save the day? She saw Laurie Berkner on television and rushed out to buy the CD for me and my daughter (who was one at the time). We instantly rocked out to her creative, witty lyrics. The CD that made us her fans was her debut album Whaddaya Think of That?. My daughter loved the beat and I appreciated that the songs were amusing with a bit of substance. My favorite song “Can You Imagine?” encourages kids to saving the environment. Now, Laurie has plenty of fun and flat out silly songs too. Listen to “Monster Boogie” from the Buzz Buzz CD. We have since added Victor Vito and Buzz Buzz to our CD collection. None of the CDs disappoint. Available at Laurie Berkner at


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  1. “Can you imagine?”

    “Can you imagine?”

    “Living without trees. . .”

    “Everytime you chop one down, one less tree grows in the ground, think about tomorrow please.”

    Ummmm. . . can you tell that I, too, am addicted? I encourage every TotSnob mom to go out and purchase this CD. It is wonderful!