Snob Essentials

Lillebaby Euro Tote: Snob or Slob?


If you have tried the Baby Bjorn and numerous slings, but loved none of them; than this might be the option for you, the Lillebaby EuroTote. You can now turn your newborn into a handbag. The EuroTote is a generous name for this product. It is really more like a duffle bag with a breathing hole for your kid. This appears to be the most awkward and cumbersome of baby carriers.

Scenario 1: You run into the grocery to get a few things. You turn to look at something causing the baby to hit its feet on the latest chip display. Crash! Then, as you look back to survey the damage, the baby’s head hits the shelf. So now, the baby is wailing, people are looking to see what all the commotion is, and you hear an annoucement on the loud speaker “Clean Up on Aisle 13.” Clumsy maybe, but definitely possible with the design of this carrier.

Scenario 2: You just purchased this new tote. You are so excited to use it for the first time as you head to the mall for a shopping excursion. So the baby is on one shoulder in its duffle bag. Do you put the diaper bag on the other shoulder? If so, it is possible you are wider than the entrance door. You turn your body sidewise, but now the baby is too long for the door. All this preparation and you can’t even enter the mall! I suppose you could make the EuroTote a duffle/diaper bag, but then good luck finding the baby under the diapers, wipes, and wallet.

Finally, this baby carrier is ugly!! I will say that I haven’t actually used this product. I could be completely wrong. Maybe there is something I am not seeing in the looks and functionality. So if any of you snobbers own it, I would love to hear your thoughts. But I really want to what all our readers think. Is the Lillebaby EuroTote Snob or Slob?

Tot Snob note: The Liliebaby EuroTote meets American safety requirements and has passed ASTM Standards. The comments in this article reflect the opinion of the author.


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  1. There is something that you are not seeing in the functionality.

    Scenario 3: You arrive at your friend’s house with the sleeping infant in the car seat. You pick baby up and baby is already in the tote, since it fits right into the car seat. Then, with baby’s straps carried over your shoulder, you are able to continue to carry the flowers and your personal items that you want to bring into your friends house. Baby enters house with you and can be placed right on the kitchen table to be gawked at.

    Fundamentally, this product smoothes babies transition from environment to environment: car to home, home to car, car to restaurant, restaurant to car, etc.

    This is not a great baby carrier, rather it is a great tote (definition, Tote: To haul; lug). Clearly, a better carrier is a wrap, but that is not always sensible to wrap a child from house to car, or vice versa. Wrapping is not instant and not overly sensible for short hauls. Secondly, a better carrier is also a ring-sling. But, they can be bulky and can awaken a sleeping baby as you shift them into position. Thirdly, a fixed sling (e.g., new native) is the easiest of slings and even less disturbing. Yet, a fixed sling can only be used by one body size and does not provide a place to set the baby down.

    Taken as a whole, you an tote your baby easily and with less disturbance with this handy, sensible, equipment.

  2. I understand Scenario 3 and could see how the EuroTote would be beneficial, but if the baby is in the carrier then you don’t need the tote. If the infant is in a convertible car seat, and you use the tote, I still wonder how easily it releases from the car seat. I am sure unlatching the 5-point harness would still jostle the baby. At that point, why not gently transfer the sleeping baby to a fully reclined stroller and let the little one continue to sleep there.

  3. I have this product and I use it all the time with no problems. In fact, I began using my convertible carseat when my baby was only 12 lbs because I couldn’t handle how freaking heavy that stupid carseat carrier was. The EuroTote helped me to move DD from the carseat to her stroller for mall shopping with ease. When I go to the grocery store, I lay her in the baby seat part of the basket. Whenever I use my Baby Bjorn in the grocery store, my baby falls asleep while I shop, but wakes up when I try to move her back to the carseat. When I use the EuroTote, she never wakes up. She loves sleeping in this thing. When she was a newborn it really helped her to feel snug and secure and fall asleep easily. I would recommend this product to any new mother. DITCH that stupid carseat carrier and get this instead. In fact, don’t even buy that monstrosity and just go straight to a convertible carseat.

  4. You’re right! Carrying a heavy bulky awkward carseat is soooo much better than carrying your infant in a soft comfy easy to carry (not to mention loads lighter) bag. Idiot!

  5. This is not meant to be a carrier. This is what we in Northen Europe use for prams, baby feels snug and warm in the pram and if we arrive at our destination baby can undisturbed be carried into which ever place we are at.

    Here we use a thing called a voksibag! This is a campetable brand. Do your research. I have never read a more misunderstood costumer review!