Snob Essentials

PeekabooZ by Zoi Custom Art

peekabooz1%3D2.jpgpeekabooz3.jpgHaven’t you always wanted some fantastic way to display your budding Picasso’s creations? We always hang my daughter’s favorite pieces on her bulletin board, but eventually they all end up tucked away in a plastic bin in the attic never to be seen again until my daughter wants to show her daughter. Now, the works can be displayed for everyone to enjoy. PeekabooZ by Zoi makes magnificent masterpieces out of your little artist’s creations. Greece born Matula Zoi-Adams M.D. (yes, she is a doctor and mom as her day job) started creating collages of original kid’s artworks to display in schools. Four years ago, she donated a custom creation for a school fundraiser and the rest is history. Her hobby has become a fledgling business. Medicine allows her an outlet for her intellectual needs and art has to do with her spiritual needs. As a mother of three, Matula believes children are the best artists and understands the importance of preserving their artwork.

Matula works very closely with you to customize your canvas. One canvas can contain anywhere from 3-25 pieces of your child or children’s art. Once the designs and color selections are finalized, the art is processed and properly preserved. For a personalized collage like this, I would wait a few weeks; Matula can complete a project in 3-7 days! A 2’x4’ canvas costs $500 and a 3’x4’ canvas costs $550; however, to a mom or dad they are priceless. For more information email Matula.



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