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Smythson Beauty Bureau


Can anything be more fabulous for a Beauty Snob AND a Bag Snob than this leather beauty bureau from the luxury line Smythson of Bond Street? It comes with all the sable brushes shown but you provide all your own favorite beauty products for the ultimate in vanity decadence. Keep this on your dresser and carry it to wherever has the best lighting in your house at the moment for your daily ritual of primping. It is a wood frame covered with gorgeous aqua Adamo calf leather, the color is so divine!! It makes me want to do my entire bedroom in that color. It is not a giant chest, the measurements are 5.5″ x 9.75″ x 7.5″ so it is easy to fit on your vanity, counter or dresser. Of course you can only put your very favorite products in there but how fun would it be to switch out the colors each week, like you do a bag? Even if this isn’t all that functional for your needs, it is so beautiful you can just look at it! At Smythson for $2410.

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