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Itzbeen Baby Care Timer

How many times have you searched for your car keys while you were holding them in your hand? No doubts about it have a baby and you lose brain cells. It has to be proven scientific fact in the x-files of motherhood. After my first I was absent minded. After my second my mind went absent. My memory skills have deteriorated terribly. Sometimes I trust my three year old to remember things for me. Oh, and she’ll remind me even when I wish she would forget. The Itzbeen Baby Care Timer ($25) will help you win the memory battle. The timer allows you to monitor the last feeding, nap time and diaper change. There is even an undesignated timer keeps track of medications or other items. My favorite feature might be the “L” & “R” button to remind you which side the baby nursed from last. The safety pin trick never worked for me. In my sleep deprived state, I always forgot to switch it. With the Itzbeen all you have to remember is the baby, it will take care of the rest.

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