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No TV! – One More Reason


How many times have you heard people preach “No TV” for your kids? Well, here is another reason to motivate the cause. My baby daughter started throwing up at night, every night and only at night at her last feeding. The first few days that this happened, I attributed it to my older daughter’s contagious stomach virus. But it didn’t make that much sense since she only threw up at night and otherwise, she looked fine. I went through the list, formula (but I didn’t change formula), indigestion (but only at night?), lactose intolerance (but again, only at night?), nothing made sense. Then after more searches on Google, I come upon an interesting theory – motion sickness caused by TV. During the day, the TV is never on. At night at the last feeding, my husband and I watch our shows and the baby obligingly partakes. She isn’t watching in full view, she turns her head away from me toward the tv so I figure she isn’t REALLY watching. I never thought TV could be damaging to her digestive system! At night when the room is dark, there is no point of reference to stabilize the movement of the TV so our bodies think we are moving with the motion on TV. This causes vertigo and in people with sensitive gag reflexes (which my daughter has) it will cause vomiting. We tested out this theory and it has been 2 days since her last vomiting. Good thing because all that vomiting caused severe dehydration that lead to constipation. It was not pretty. I will spare the details but I’ll just say the procedure to un-constipate her involved gloves, vaseline and lots and lots of baby wipes!!! No, not pretty at all.

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