Snob Essentials

Nars The Multiple in Orgasm

Busy anyone? Yeah, how many times have you left the house without brushing your hair much less get a whole face of make up on? To make your life a little easier, here is a Snobby Mom Tip to make sure you look your best with the least effort. Nars finally came out with the color Orgasm in the Multiples, a one stop shop for all your needs to look fresh. It go with practically every skin tone out there. I have been using the Nars Orgasm blush since its inception and I still replenish when I’m out. Well, surprisingly, their super best seller, the Multiple has only recently come out in Orgasm. I love having the Multiple in my figurative back pocket for those lazy days when I don’t have make up on but end up having to meet someone I can’t look colorless and disgusting in front of. A little flush and healthy glow goes a long way. The best part is how good it holds up being sloshed around in the make up pouch of my bag. Anything packed somehow gets demolished, even though I think I am pretty gentle with my bags (like, I don’t use it to hit people over the head and my bags are all really nice so I try not to drop it). My packed powder recently shattered in a million pieces so now my make up pouch is all powdery. And forget skidattling around town with pressed blush, for some reason it is the most brittle and will last a day in your bag. Enter the Multiple. The all purpose indestructible savior. This is as easy as things get. Dab this all over and you instantly look maintenanced even if its not high maintenanced (but in a good way). NARS The Multiple – Orgasm for $36.50 at Sephora.



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