Snob Essentials

Momnesia – Our way of coping!


There was a story on Brian Williams Nightly News the other day about postpartum memory lost. Well mine, started prepartum and is continuing through post-postpartum. We don’t need doctors or Brian Williams to tell us this is real, hello we all live with it! They reported on women who have misplaced keys and missed doctor’s appointments. Uh, everyone does that, that’s NOTHING! I went to the drugstore to get a prescription for my newborn and left the entire bag in the parking lot. I had to go back because the doctor wouldn’t give me another prescription. I shamefully called the drugstore to ask the clerk to go in the parking lot to look for my bag, hoping someone hadn’t already run over it with their car. Let’s not get into to professional faux pas, there will be people who will no longer work with me!! =)

In honor of moms who continue to make it through the day with “momnesia”, we are having a contest to see who needs the most pampering. In the comments section, tell us your best momnesia story. Please submit your entry by March 14th at 11:59 pm EST. The winner will receive a set of Lavender Polyphection Set from Awake. It comes with a foaming gel facial wash, facial cleanser and Skin Refining Serum, with a total value of $110. This is new for their Lavender Polyphection line but will be available soon at Neiman Marcus. Tot Snob will choose one random winner because every mom deserves equal opportunity to be pampered!

A big thanks to AWAKE for the amazing prize!


1. Entries must be submitted by Friday March 14 at 11:59PM EST.

2. You must include your email address so that I can contact you if you win.

3. Only one entry per person.

4. US residents only.



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  1. Worse…I went to get my oil changed, right before they closed and promptly shut the door on my car with the keys in it running. How embarassing

  2. I’m certain I’ve forgotten the best stories, but I do remember the time when I forgot about the picnic ham I had in the oven. It was pretty “firm” when I remembered it the next day….

  3. I didn’t realize my son had gobbed baby food in my hair when I picked him up after eating. I went the whole day with it dried in a clump in my hair. I actually even ran to the store at one point and was so tired I didn’t even notice people were staring.

  4. I went to the grocery store and made it to the check out line before realizing I had left my purse at home.

  5. Thank you so much for this giveaway. I too left my keys in my car, with the car running. I had locked the doors and gone into a store shopping. Security paged the car make and license plate number over the intercom and I felt like such a fool.

    Great prize. Thanks for offering it and please enter me.

  6. Once as a paranoid new mother who thought everyone was gonna steal my new baby (thanks local news) I locked my son in the car. Within five minutes I got him out and then realized I was being too paranoid.

  7. I have to write myself post-it notes and stick them to the doorknob so that I don’t forget things in the morning.

  8. Let’s see……times I left things like my purse on the car and drove off wondering why people were honking at me? Paid for groceries in the self check aisle and started to walk off leaving the groceries? Forgot I was baking something and went to bed? OMG. I am the most forgetful mom ever. Or here is one: It’s what? You have SCHOOL today? Is it really Monday?? Honestly, I am not THAT lame. Just have my moments.

  9. Mine is also car related. I locked my keys in the car WITH my daughter INSIDE the car. We had to call a locksmith.

  10. I went and bought groceries, and had a broken water hose and all the stuff was rotten by the time it got fixed

  11. When my son was little, my husband was gone for federal agent training. We went to visit and he rented a car to meet us near the airport. When it was time to say goodbye, I left the carseat in the rental car! My husband was well on his way back to the academy when he realized it was still in the car.

  12. Obviously I am not eligible to win but I had to share my silly tales after laughing over yours!

    -I have several but the worst was when I forgot I was cooking dinner- had two pots going on the stove (gas which means fire)- and skipped off to Yoga and put my son in the kids’ club there.

    In the middle of one of the downward dogs (20 minutes later) I remembered I was cooking dinner and ran out of yoga to go home (visions of my birkins in smokes)! Both dishes were ruined but my house was spared. I had to throw the pots away because they were burned to a crisp. After I cleaned up the mess and aired out my house, I realized I forgot my son at the kids’ club! I never told my husband to this day and if you tell him I will deny it. 🙂

    -A few months ago I was at Kelly’s house and forgot I was running a bath- I started blogging and completely lost track of time. I flooded her mother’s new bathroom.

    -Last month I was at the construction site of my new house with my home designer and we could not find her tape measure. We ran up and down the stairs (3 stories) multiple times to each floor but could not find it. We both cursed the project manager for taking off with her tape measure and we could not measure anything all afternoon! On our way out, I realized I was holding the tape measure the ENTIRE time in my left hand.

  13. I have a specific ‘safety’ type of lock on my house door, well one day I ran out to the store and threw that lock. The UPS man came to my door and when a family member went to the door they couldn’t open it, because I had the only key to the inside and outside of that lock. My family was locked inside, and the UPS man was outside waiting for me when I arrived!

  14. I don’t know how many times I went to the store needing to buy one important thing…leaving with many things and forgeting the one thing I went in for. It is a curse I think.

  15. I can’t top some of these stories but I DID recently put the orange juice in the cabinet and the cereal into the fridge. Heh.

  16. I finished all my weekly shopping then waited in the check out line for half an hour before realizing I had left my purse at home.

  17. My son ,when he was 3, locked my out of the house once and just sat there eating his crackers waving not realizing what he did

  18. my son was hiding from me and while i was doing dishes after dinner he jumped out of my broom closet and scared me to death

  19. I went through a stage where I constantly locked the keys in my car. Once i locked them in at the gas pump while trying to get gas. The worst though was at my Uncle’s funeral. We all go to leave and I my keys are locked in the car. It was horrible. Amazingly enough that was the last time so far.

  20. glad to see I’m not the only one with a car story I got out to open the cattle gate to drive through and accidently shut the car door when I bumped against it. My daughter was strapped in her car seat in the back seat aged 2 and the car was running. I had just returned from grocery shopping and had a full tank of gas. I opened the cattle gate and looked around and realized the car door shut…My daughter immediately started crying to add to the atmosphere. I finally had to break a window to the house to get to the phone to call the sheriffs office and while waiting I was so upset I finally decided to take the iron poker stick and giggle it around the door handle and finally managed to open the door. By the time the police officer arrived I was holding one upset child and looking like I was breaking into my car but I did manage to get the car door open without breaking the glass window…

  21. one day while grocery shopping with my daughter she started to get fussy so I decided to just leave not remembering I had a few small things in the cart with me well I realized that I had walked out of the store without paying for any of it boy was I lucky

  22. O.k. this is embarrassing. Last year when I was pregnant, I went to the drugstore with one of my daughters for Easter candy and I paid with cash that I had put in a pocket in my purse, but I could not find my wallet. I thought I had it in my purse before I came into the store and I thought that it was stolen. The manager helped me look through the store, I searched the car, and I even searched the street in front of my house. It turned out that the wallet was on the sink in my bathroom! My family will never let me live this down.

  23. I once went to the drug store for some Preperation H. We all know why that is needed. Anyway, I didn’t know it at that time but I had my shorts on backwards. The front pockets were in the back, now I was wondering why people were looking at me.

  24. The first day that I was alone with my toddler and newborn by myself, I remembered to change the newborn’s diaper, forgetting about the toddler’s diaper for 8 hrs…I remembered when I had to clean up the mess!

  25. I left an entire bag of groceries in the shopping cart in the parking lot and didn’t notice until it was to late. 🙁

    Thank you

  26. I had had a very busy and hectic day and while I was sitting in the waiting room for my daughters appointment they had me fill out forms. When I got to the blank for my daughters birthdate, I had to sit there for several minutes trying to remember – what’s up with that?! I guess my brain had been all used up that day LOL

  27. With 15 month old twin boys and a 3 year old daughter most days I forgot where I let my mind! The worst momnesia was one which told me that finally I had momnesia of the worst kind. My husand had been in Iraq for 15 months (he was gone when they were born)I had been counting down the days and hours until he returned. I had the the time and airline of his flight memorized. We left home almost 5 hours early as I was too excited to wait. Finally the passengers came through the doors and I waited and waited and waited. He did not come in and I thought I would cry. A very nice and compassionate woman came over and asked what was wrong. I blubbered my answer and gave her the piece of crumpled paper with the information. It turns out that my “memorized” information was wrong. I was off one number from the flight and was in the wrong terminal. We ran to the right terminal and there was my wonderful husband sitting all alone waiting for someone to pick him up!

  28. I forgot my little one at daycare one day and was an hour late picking her up!

    can you say “brain fart”?

  29. It’s the little things that I forget on a daily basis. For example, my son’s kindergarten teacher told me that he gets upset when I forget to return his library books each week.

  30. Well, here’s the thing. I’ve got momnesia for real and I can’t even remember all the times I’ve had momnesia incidents. I know it’s pathetic but I seriously can’t even remember anything concrete.

  31. I walk around with 100 things on my mind all the time. I have 2 teens and a pre-teen in the house. If that doesn’t make me crazy then I have a hubby that feels all he needs to do is work and go to school. This leaves me with taking care of the house, bills as well as going to school and working on the weekend. I am 34 and the lines on my face are really starting to show! LOL

  32. I took my kids with me to Costco. They decided to wander away from me. I checked out and loaded the car and got halfway home before I remembered the kids were still at Costco. Yikes!

  33. One day I was at the mall with the kids to replace my cell phone which has found it’s way into the sink. I called my sister from the food court to try it out and she asked me what model I had gotten. After digging through the bag and box, I was horrified to find that my phone was now gone. Convinced that it had been stolen, I was ready to flag down a nearby security guard when my sister asked “What are you talking on now?”

  34. I breastfed and I put the baby’s pacifier in my bra… my husband found it that need when we went to bed.

  35. Every day is a momnesia story.

    I misplace my house keys at least once a day

    and sometimes I go out to pick up the mail and forget to put on pants.

    My kid sometimes finishes sentences for me because I space out and forget what my point was.

    Thank you for the contest.

  36. My best one is — we’ve lived in our house for 8+ years and one day last year I forgot we had stairs and just walked off the top step while talking with my daughter. (Didn’t get hurt, other than a bruised ego)

    Please enter me!

  37. I don’t think I make it through a day any more where I don’t find myself wandering aimlessly around the kitchen because I forgot what I went in for. My kids would tell you I forget their names since I have to run down the list when I get annoyed til I finally get the right one. 😉

  38. I suffer from momnesia quite often. The latest episode was I forgot to take the Pull-Up out of my sons pants and thru them in the wash. All I can say is you dont ever wanna try that. The mess took me about 20 minutes to pick out of the washer. (It is amazing the amount of water they can actually hold though…lol)

  39. i loaded the van with about 6 kids for a VBS event and when it cam time for awards ceremony and only when they called out my youngest daughters name did I realize I left her home in bed asleep! She was 5 maybe and was sitting up awake in living room chair crying because nobody was home! Went and got her took her back with us to church, she was alone about 2 hrs!

  40. I left my keys sticking out of the lock on my front door ALL NIGHT. I noticed the next morning when I opened the door to get the newspaper. Eeks!

  41. i’m famous for arriving at parties and holidays without the meticulously wrapped gifts that i left on the kitchen table. now as a joke i mail them a week ahead so they’ll be there when i arrive.

  42. Hello, I saw part of the “MomNesia” story! My thoughts were that it is about time someone knew I am not crazy! My sons are three years apart. After the birth of my second son, I had slight post-partum depression and hormone problems! One night I woke up completely drenched in my own sweat. It scared me to death because I didn’t realize what was happening to me. Then, one morning I came downstairs to start the morning and once again broke out in a sweat. Then, just like that, the episodes went away. This leads to the “MomNesia” part of my experience. If I locked my keys in the car once, I did it 20 times in the matter of a month or so. I always had my sons out with me, but not those darn car keys! The van had a buzzer that would sound off, but I swore I never heard it. I was clueless. I had to have a locksmith once and it cost me $50.00. My husband tried hiding an extra key behind the license plate, in a holder under the car by the front tire, etc. Not only did I lock the keys in the car, but would forget to turn the headlights off (most of the time they didn’t even need to have been on in the first place)!

    Of course, then the van wouldn’t start because the battery would need charging. I nearly drove everyone around me crazy for about a year. Is there something after “MomNesia” that I can blame my mind on?! Thanks,Cindi

  43. I got all dressed up last week all excited about a night out to go shopping at Walmart. It wasn’t until I got there,40 minutes from the house, when I discovered I still had my big old stained fluffy slippers on! That wasn’t about to stop me though!

  44. I was at a garage sale with my three children. When I got in the car to leave, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw my 5 year old son standing at the garage sale with tears rolling down his face. I have so much momnesia that I almost for got one of my children.

  45. It was August 2007, and I had just left my son’s 9 month doctor’s appointment. I was putting him in the car, and thought it was too hot, so I remote started it in order to turn on the air conditioning. This car is high on anti-theft devices, so you have to hit LOCK before you can remote start it. I did this, then threw my keys in the front seat as I always did, and put my son in his car seat. Then, I closed the back door, and went to open the front, and it was locked still!! At least the air conditioning was on right? Wrong, because with the remote start, the car only stays on for 10 minutes unless you put the key in the ignition. My cell phone was also locked in the car, so I had to go back into the doctors office, tell them what I did, and have them help. We called OnStar, who wouldn’t help. The police, who couldn’t break in for the life of them… And AAA. AAA finally showed after 45 minutes, but my kid had already been in the hot car for well over an hour. Before AAA, one guy there even suggested breaking a window. Not just any window, but the windshield… His reason was because it was the cheapest to fix. Good idea buddy, because that will help me later while I’m driving down the freeway. End 🙂

  46. my mommiest day was just yesterday when my 2-1/2 year old daughter had her first total meltdown… on my lunch break from work, when i just stopped in to say hi and she did not want me to leave… needless to say, i left her still screaming and crying, and was still 20 minutes late coming back to work… and i was crying, too!

    thanks for the chance

  47. Leaving a 5 week old baby in the carseat while husband and wife head in to Blockbuster for a movie, only to have them realize (as they are in line to check out the movie) that the baby was left in the car? Yeah, that’s momnesia AND dadnesia!

  48. These products look great, hopefully they will shock me back to my senses with their fragrance… or else, I’m hopelessly lost! 🙂



  49. Thank goodness!! I knew this momnesia was a real thing, but was having trouble convincing my husband (he thinks I have selective amnesia; selective, as in anything he says to me). Is there a cure? I’m sure this gift set would be a step in the right direction!

  50. I keep forgetting about my in-home Parents as Teachers visits. Two months in a row, I answer the door in my pajamas… she must think I am such a slacker.

  51. I did a cross-stitch birth sampler for my son and tucked it away in a ziploc bag with the book to get it framed when I finished the birth sampler for my daughter. Six years later and I still can’t remember where I put it so that it wouldn’t get ruined.

  52. Looking for my glasses and they were sitting

    on my head.I felt like I was losing my mind.

    This happens alot.Thanks for the giveaway and

    this product sounds amazing

  53. I took the gascap off my car and put it on the roof of my car. I forgot to put it back in and it fell off and got smashed. =(