Snob Essentials

Breakfast in Bed for Mommies!


In continuation of our month long celebration of Mother’s Day, this week we are giving away Breakfast in Bed by Philosophy. We would love to actually give you breakfast in bed but you will need to talk to someone else about that!! =) When my kids get older, I am totally going to train them to make me coffee in the morning and bring it to me in bed! I’ll let you know how that goes 😉 The Breakfast in Bed set includes three 6 oz bottles of Philosophy’s award winning 3-in-1 Ultra Rich Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath in Cafe Au Lait, Fresh Cream, and Belgian Waffles. Yummy, sounds good enough to eat!!

Tell us what your best case scenario, fantasy Mother’s Day would be like. I am easy, I just want my kids to dress up in their cutest dresses and sit still while we have a lovely brunch at a seaside restaurant. See, that’s not asking for much, right? Share in comments by this Friday April 25th at 11:59 pm EST. We will select on lucky winner with a random drawing. One entry per person please. Good luck!



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  1. The perfect Mother’s Day starts with a long, uninterrupted, bubble bath followed by finding a perfect, stain-free tee waiting for me. Then the kids, hubby, and I all grab our fully-stocked picnic basket and head to the shore. On the way home, we stop and share dessert with my mother-in-law. The best part is that while we were away, the cleaning faries gave my whole house a good scrubbing.

  2. My best possible Mother’s Day scenario would be if my kids and husband made me a spectacular dinner and cleaned up afterwards. Then I would take a very long afternoon nap, and then my husband and I would go birdwatching. Ideal day!

  3. I want to have brunch at the local restaurant awith my kids and especially my husband dressed up.

  4. My perfect mother’s day would just be to have the entire family together and spend the day at the park or the zoo. I know kids grow up so fast, and I want to just enjoy a carefree day playing with them!

  5. I want my kids to all get along on that day and do the chores without me having to yell at them. Also maybe bring me my coffee in the morning!

  6. My best case scenario, fantasy Mother’s Day would be the following: when my daughter wakes up in the morning my husband lets me sleep in and he changes her and feeds her. Then I get up when I am rested. We then go for a family hike, followed by dinner at Longhorns where my daughter doesn’t fuss and behaves like an angel so I can enjoy my steak. The end of the day would consist of a bubble bath with no distractions…but I will settle for just hanging out at home with my husband and daughter.

  7. My perfect Mother’s Day would be to just have my husband home with us so we could spend the day together as a family. If the sun was shining so the kids could go run around outside that would be a plus!

  8. I would be happy if for that one Sunday by husband got up with our daughter and I could sleep in. All I want is SLEEP!

  9. My best case Mothers Day would be a day that I spend with my husband and children at a nice vacation spot, where someone else makes the beds, does the cleaning and does cooking. A real relaxing get away Mothers day.

    Thanks for this great giveaway.

  10. My children gather around me thanking me for being a wonderful mother. They regale me with tales of how I enriched their lives and how they could never have wished for another mother. EVER. They are sorry for any bad words or deeds they committed and realize that they have learned so much from my wisdom.

  11. Breakfast made by my family. A drive through the country. A picnic in a field. Stopping to shop on the way home at an antique store. Dinner made by my family. Spend the evening watching movies together and playing board games.

  12. I would like nothing more than for my son to come up to me, put his arms around my neck, and tell me that he loves me. That would be the most perfect Mother’s Day for me.

  13. My perfect Mothers Day would be to spend the day with my baby boy and be able to do something really nice for my mother because of how much she ahs helped me out with my son!

  14. Sleeping late, then reading a long book while DH and DD play in the living room, then going out for a lovely meal which DD actually eats.

  15. I would love to spend a fun day by our pool being waited on by daddy and getting lots of hugs and kisses from daddy and my daughters!

  16. Most definately to have my own mother back. My kids and I all miss her so much. Also to find a cure for ALS, the awful disease she had. thats asking a little too much right?

  17. First..I would be waking up in Paris with my family with a hot coffee and a chocolate croissant.. then we would spend the day exploring museums and my child and husband would be engaged and patient

  18. A great breakfast in bed, and then for dad to take the boys on a long hike, so that mom can spend some uninterupted time surfing the web looking for great websites like this one. And then of course Dad has to make dinner.

  19. my best mothers bay woulb be to have my daughter Mandy back, she passed away in 1999 at the old age of 24 is with our LORD, but I would love to hug her just one more time

  20. My ideal Mother’s Day would be breakfast in bed and whisked away for a day spa experience with mani-pedi and full body massage. Dinner with my family at a restaraunt of my choice (no BK, or McD’s) and watch a funny family movie. Oh and that days chores done by husband. Thanx for the contest.

  21. My fantasy mothers day… i’d like to be able to sleep in past 6am and actually eat my own food in peace and not what my kid leaves. I’d also would like for there not to be any food on the floor. Then dress up with my son and have a nice calm day.

  22. My fantasy Mother’s Day would be to wake up in Japan so I could spend Mother’s Day with my son. Or, I could wake up here and he’d be here for a visit. Oh, it’d be great if he made the coffee in the morning, too. 😀

  23. My fantasy mothers day would be waking up my mom with breakfast in bed. Then, after she wakes up, giving her a bouquet of flowers and a note toelling her why she’s my hero and why I love her. She’s very emotional so she’ll probably cry, and she’s the strongest woman I know. Then her boyfriend and I will take her out for lunch at a place of her choosing and give her the mother’s day presents. I’m giving her a round silver necklace that says mother on it in five different languages. Then we’ll go to a movie of her choosing, maybe go to the beach. Then I’ll tell her goodnight and that I love her.

  24. My perfect Mother’s Day would start with someone cooking me breakfast in bed and would end with someone cooking me a nice dinner. In the middle??? A whole lot of peace and quiet!!

  25. My perfect Mother’s day would be for my hubby and kids to serve me waffles in bed, and than for all of us to go to a movie together and go get our family portrait done.

  26. My fantasy Mother’s Day would start off with a gourmet breakfast in bed. After that I would head off to the spa for a morning of pampering while my husband and kids cleaned the house and did all the yardwork.

    After my spa treatments, I would head to Nordstrom’s and enjoy a shopping spree, and come home to a clean house and a good meal with a bottle of fine red wine. The kids would be clean and homework would be done and we’d enjoy a quiet evening of reading or watching a movie.

    Of course, this is only a fantasy. My husband and kids would never clean the house!

  27. I would like a day at home with my family and for them to make me a nice dinner, not breakfast, I want to sleep in 🙂

  28. A box of Godiva, The novel ‘A Memory Keepers Daughter’ and someone else, anybody else, do the dishes!

  29. Ideally, I’d like to sleep in then wake up to a clean house. Then have the kids being good during dinner. LOL

  30. My dream day would include breakfast in bed–maybe including a nice flavored coffee, juice, and roll—then curling up in a big chair with a good book–and having no one call my name all day.

  31. My best case scenario for Mom’s Day would be for my kids to clean the entire house until it sparkled while I lounged in my jammies all day.

    One can dream, right?

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. I’m getting a tummy tuck 4 days before Mother’s Day. How appropriate! My fantasy would be to have already had a boob lift too!

  33. This is total fantasy but here goes….I’d like to wake up to dh bringing me breakfast in bed. Then I’d like to just chill until the kids arrive bringing food & drinks and I think I’ll stay in my jammies the entire day.

  34. For starters, receiving something hand made by my child, and then going to a hotel by the beach overnight with my son and my mom and just spending mother’s day being a mom and a daughter…eating, walking, playing in the sand, bathing in the ocean…

  35. I’ve had many wonderful Mother’s Days. A special one is spending time with the whole family. Thank you.

  36. My dream Mother’s Day would be my son spending the day with me. Enjoying a meal, and just talking to each other. I lost him to adoption 22+ years ago, and each day that he has let me speak to him and see him since we reunited in January of this year, has been a gift.

    That is what I want. Just to know my son.

  37. It would be nice if my boy could be here instead of 1500 miles away, then he and my girl could play all day long!

  38. The ideal Mother’s day would be a day full love and laughter. I would love to spend the day with my daughter and husband. Nothing fancy or expensive gifts. Just a day where I can spend quality time with my family…memories are priceless and last a life time.

  39. The ideal Mother’s day would be a day full love and laughter. I would love to spend the day with my daughter and husband. Nothing fancy or expensive gifts. Just a day where I can spend quality time with my family…memories are priceless and last a life time.

  40. For my family to be able to make breakfast for themselves and put the dishes in the dishwasher… for me to be able to take a nap and then go out to dinner with my family that evening and everyone will find something they will love on the menu!

  41. My perfect Mother’s Day would be to go out to a very nice dinner with my husband and son and later have some nice alone time with hubby. Thank you!

  42. My fantasy Mother’s Day would be to receive a check for a million dollars and a note saying I never have to work again!

  43. It starts with a late wake timeas I have not slept in since my 9 month old was born. Then a hearty calorie free breakfast of omelet and french toast (this is a fantasy right?) Then my husband would flip on the tv to my favorite shopping channel and hand me the phone. A foot massage, several purchases, and no fighting kids later I would drift back asleep for an afternoon nap.

  44. My ideal Mother’s Day is pretty simple. My husband bringing me breakfast in bed. Him getting the kids dressed for church. I would also like him and the kids do do some housework for me and make dinner and clean up afterwards. Oh, I also get an uninterupted bubble bath!

  45. Every year I drop hints that I’d love to go to one of our local restaurants that has a huge Mother’s Day brunch buffet. So my fantasy is the husband and kids take me there for bruch and then we come home and the older boys and my husband go out and weed my flowerbeds for me without me yelling and them complaining. Oh and for my gift, I’d really like a maid for a week just so I can get caught up on the housework.

  46. Hmmm, how about sleeping in, then wandering downstairs to find a lovely breakfast laid out? Someone else to clean it up when I’m done, then a quick read of the paper and off for a long walk. I’d return to find my laundry neatly put away in my drawers, so I could shower, change and go shopping for myself (which never happens). Ah, I could go on…

  47. All I want for Mothers Day is for everyone to leave me alone! I would stay in my jammies all day, eat ice cream for breakfast and just be alone. I love my kids but I’m a SAHM and that sounds like a dream day to me!

  48. i would love to sleep late.. and be able to have a nice brunch although maybe not in bed, i don’t like crumbs.

  49. Well, I am in law school and in the middle of exams, so anything that doesn’t involve studying! Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling my son will not be spending much of mother’s day with me…

  50. Spending all day in my Pajamas with my family and breakfast in bed, it would be fabulous to get a day off!

  51. My fantasy is no housework, or cooking. My children say to me “just rest mom, you deserve it”.Then they clean the house and cook the meals.

  52. my perfect mother’s day would involve my husband and kids preparing breakfast in bed for us and then dropping me off at a spa for the rest of the day to enjoy some much needed relaxation and quiet.

  53. I would like an uninterrupted night of sleep, followed by several hours of solo shopping. Then, my kids would get along the rest of the day!

  54. A day of no fighting so I can relax, garden a bit, maybe scrapbook and a nice dinner made by the kids and hubby.

  55. My two little girls and my husband sitting by the pool having lunch and then game night and a family dinner.

  56. I would sleep in of course. Then I would walk my fur babies for about an hour. Follow that with a very long relaxing bath. My son would make me lunch and give me wonderful jewelry!

  57. My baby girl is recovering from heart surgery, and I’d love for the doctor to give me some good news about her recovery, because we haven’t had much of that lately!

    And a clean house that required no effort on my part…

  58. The real dream—-I wake up, on a pillow of crisp linen, in a cottage in Ireland, to ths sounds of the ocean behind me and the sounds of my children and husband busily preparing my breakfast in the kitchen close by. A more likely, equally lovely dream—-starting the day by watching Meet the Press in my own bed, with that same husband and kids nearby, a hot cup of coffee being delivered to start the day.

  59. My fantasy Mother’s Day would be to have my 15-month daughter sleep through the night for the first time in her sweet little life! This night of uninterrupted sleep for all (I get the shivers just thinking about it!) would be followed by my husband bouncing out of bed, then scooping up said daughter and doing the diaper change and the whole morning/breakfast routine without a murmer, and while suggesting (or rather, insisting!) that I lounge in bed a while longer before getting up for a nice, long soak in my already-drawn bubble bath. This fantasy would include time alone to enjoy the bath without the reverie being punctuated with “I’m almost done sweetie”, “put the plunger down please”, “leave the toilet paper alone . . .”

    Ahhh . . .

  60. What makes my mom special and why she needs a little pampering:

    My mother came from an educated & prosperous family. Because of this Joseph Stalin, a dictator of Russia, during WWII who saw the Crimean Tatars as a threat, tried to persecute everyone including all women & children and to send them to concentration camps. My mother miraclously fleed the country and avoided torture & death.

    The country that they fleed to Germany, Hitler was in power at the time. My mother and her family gave what little that they had: food; clothing & shelter to Italian Jews whom my grandfather brought home to hide in the basement.

    Then at night time, giving them money to re-unite with their own familes, they would risk their own lives to help these young men flee across the border to Italy.

    At 66 years of age, my mother is still a compassionate and beautiful woman. She is always courtaeous, kind and understanding to everyone and is always eager to learn about everyones ‘life story.’ Her story too, is inspiring to me and shows that hope, love and understanding is part of our humanity and reason to exist. I think its about time my so special mom deserves a little something!

    Kind Regards,

    Nil Savci

  61. Sitting on the Beach in Jamaica while my husband watches my daughter! (and it’s what I will be doing!)

  62. My fantasy Mother’s Day would be to have my mother come back for just one more day. She passed away in May of 1989. She would get to visit with the grandson she never had the opportunity to meet.

  63. What I would like on Mother’s Day are those special at school made presents that my two oldest made for me. I would also enjoy a warm bubble bath and then go out for dinner or lunch.

  64. Currently I am not a mom, well only to my puppies, but I would love for my mom to have a great mother’s day. I would love to take her to the spa so that she can be pampered! I would make appointments for my sister and I so we could spend the day with her. While she was there I would have the house cleaned up. Once she was done being pamered I would love for my whole family to take her to dinner and then come home to play games. The most important thing to my mom is being with her kids, especially now since we are all grown up and live in different cities!

  65. My perfect mother’s day would involve these three things: a professional massage, a nice dinner out, and chocolate!

  66. My perfect Mother’s Day would be Breakfast in Bed and not doing anything for the whole day. Just staying in my pj’s watching movies all day.

  67. The same thing I ask for every year: the four children getting along with no fussing with each other. And a hand-made card from my youngest son and a handwritten note from my husband. I’m easy to please.

  68. What a cool concept! My hubbie and I had our first kid at the end of last year so we aren’t doing mothers/fathers day, christmas, easter, valentines for the next couple years so i can be a stay-at-home mom. And that is the best gift you can get for any holiday! So I’m good. But I would love some bath soap. Moms wanna smell pretty, too!

  69. A dream mother’s day for me would be sleeping in late, and waking up to a warm, sunny day so I could go hang out at the beach or the park with my son and hubby. Then we would come home to a magically cleaned house, and a gourmet dinner that someone else cooked, followed by snuggles and hot cocoa and lots of laughs before bed. Perhaps a spa treatment and some shopping in there somewhere to make it the ultimate fantasy!

  70. My husband, son and I would go to Mass together, then out for brunch. When we got home I would tell them that I’m going to have a baby. (From this comment to God’s ear.)

  71. Relaxing at the beach reading a novel, while I listen to the ocean waves would be so fine. Of course I would have my husband next to me playing and watching the children. thank you

  72. All 6 kids sleeping or watching television (quietly!) until at least 2pm while my man cooks me breakfast in bed with the Sunday paper.

  73. Having someone make the breakfast and clean up afterwards and then being able to actually go either shopping or getting a pedi which i have not done in forever

  74. I would be able to give this to my friend in Australia since she just became a mommie 12/07. 😉 She had her first baby a baby boy. Thanks.

  75. I would like a cup of Peete’s coffee , english muffin with real butter, a glass of Paul Goerg champagne and a new book from the list of books I have not read yet/ and fresh flowers.

  76. My fantasy Mother’s Day would involve my 3 kids being wisked away for about 4 hours so I could have some “alone” time to myself. That may sound selfish, but I cannot remember the last time I had 4 hours totally to myself. I would love to really “find myself” again! That’s all I want, really!

  77. My perfect, fantasy day would consist of the following: Husband takes the 2 kids and the dog out for the entire day. I sleep as late as I want. When I wake up, there is fresh fruit and homemade muffins awaiting me that my husband made. I take a long, long hot shower, give myself a facial, do my nails, and do my hair. I sit on my sreened in porch and read a great book. I then eat a gormet lunch that my husband has left for me. I sip some chapagne and eat some good chocolate. Then everyone comes home and we enjoy a nice dinner together prepared by my husband and kids. Then they do the dishes and clean up all of the mess. They then give me the perfect Mother’s Day gifts that they have planned and have a special meaning. My husband does the whole evening routine for kids and puts them to bed. Perfect!

  78. Fantasy Mother’s Day for me would be sleeping in, going out for a yummy brunch, then waving goodbye to my family as I head for my massage, manicure, and pedicure. Then I would return home for a family dinner I didn’t cook and watch tv while someone else cleans up.

  79. My perfect mother’s day would be to go out to eat with my 4 year old son and have him behave like a perfect gentleman the entire time!!!

  80. Mother’s Day-Breakfast in bed (NOT at 7am) and this time, on clean dishes. Last year I happen to not get dishes done the night before and they used dirty dishes (now it wasn’t that gross) to bring me breakfast. OH yea-after the breakfast, I get to go back to sleep.

  81. My perfect Mother’s Day would be sleeping in until 9am- waking up and having breakfast with my husband and son at our favorite breakfast joint in town– then going for a relaxing walk around our neighborhood—watching my son play at a park— then home for a family nap— that would be heaven!!!

    Thanks for the opportunity to day dream!!


  82. My perfect mothers day is just enjoying my family, and remembering to be grateful for them. Wouldn’t mind if they cleaned up without me reminding them, either. *g* I live a very blessed life and most of my days are awesome, can’t imagine how they could get much better.

  83. I’m pretty simple and I just want to spend the day with my kids and hubby. I like to go out to lunch and a movie and then I’d really enjoy spending some time scrapbooking.

  84. My best Mother’s Day would be to spend the day at the beach having fun playing with my family and relaxing in the sun instead of being stuck indoors.

  85. I have four kids 🙂 I would like a day of no fighting, no complaining about dinner, no whining about anything and definately no messes! My 3 year old is going through a “mess” phase that is testing my patience!

  86. My best Mother’s Day ever would start with breakfast in bed, made by the dh and children. I would then have the freedom to relax all morning, reading the paper, taking a bath, or whatever. We would then have a picnic in the park for the rest of the day.

  87. It sounds like horrible mommying, but I would spend the day alone. I need some alone time without the chaos of kiddos.

  88. Since my kids are scattered and living all around the country, I’d love to be able to get together with all of them, even if it’s just for one day. That would be a perfect Mother’s day.

  89. Really I’d like to stay in bed past 8am, not change any diapers, not have to make breakfast, lunch or dinner….And possibly find time to watch a movie with my husband after my son goes to bed.

  90. Perfect mother’s day….

    I’d wake up at least 50 pounds lighter.

    My house would be clean.

    My child would get up and say, “Mom, I want to do my schoolwork today, and maybe some extra.”

    My husband would say “Let’s go out to eat, I’ll buy”

    and at 9:30 everyone would go to bed and leave me ALONE.

  91. The perfect Mothers Day would start with breakfast in bed and end with a long bubble bath. The rest of the day in between would just be spending the day with my children.

  92. Ahhh. I would wake-up to the chirping of the birds and the crashing of the ocean waves, only to find my husband lounging in the sexiest ever men’s CK PJ bottoms. As I gaze around, I don’t recognize the freshly painted, romantic bedroom he has transformed overnight for me. In walks my perfect 3 kids, all neatly dressed, hair styled, carrying the most gorgeous Tulips I have ever seen. As I rub my sleepy eyes, I notice a very chic (not matronly)outfit, laid-out at the foot of my bed. Of course my husband has picked it out and it just happens to be all the colors I love and my exact size. I dress, without interruption of course, and off we go to have a lazy, relaxed day on the breezy shore of the ocean. When we return, everyone bathes themselves, puts on their best PJ’s and tucks themselves into freshly made beds. I kiss them all goodnight, tell them thank you and I love you. The end.

  93. A day trip away from the kids and husband. Nobody around me-just me alone. Going to the theatre, going for a spa treatment, ending it all with a long 2 hour bubble bath, and finally spending the night in a posh hotel with room service, so I don’t have to cook-for once.

    That would be heaven!

  94. Getting to sleep late. Then it would be nice if my hubby and kids took me out for brunch and gave me a small suprise gift! (Like a new pen set or coffee mug!)

  95. Two little girls that don’t fight all day long, and a husband that is home all day, with nothing to do but clean the house for me, take care of the kids, and cater to my needs and wants. Just for the one day would please me to no end.

  96. Best case scenario for Mom’s Day would be for kids to clean the entire house until it sparkled while I lounged in my jammies all day.

    One can dream, right?

  97. A perfect Mother’s Day would be to stay home with my family where my toddlers didn’t throw tantrums or fight for just one day and I could just enjoy their laughter and be fed yummy food prepared by my husband. And maybe get a bubble bath in there just for mommy…

  98. ~ * My dream day would include breakfast in bed–including a nice flavored coffee, juice, and roll—then curling up in a big chair with a good book–and having no one call my name all day. * ~

  99. My perfect mothers day would be to have a relaxing breakfast with my husband and toddler-nothing that I have to cook and then go out to a small zoo to see her reaction to the animals-without it turning into a long, tiring day.

  100. I would love to do a weekend getaway with my husband and kids. Somewhere with room service, a great pool and movies to order in the room. Add a late night snack of cookies and milk and I think this would be wonderful.

  101. Sitting on Deck 4 in a lounge chair in the middle of the ocean, with a good book, and a cup of coffee on the Disney Magic = perfect mother’s day.

  102. Chocolate chip pancakes and fresh orange juice for breakfast on the beach, and of course the sand wouldn’t blow into our food.

  103. The perfect Mother’s Day would include my husband’s awesome homemade pancakes with fresh strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast and a good cup of coffee to wash it down. Then the family would head out to Sunday School and church. Afterwards, a picnic at a place we have not been to before followed by the whole family letterboxing. Awe…perfection!!!!!

  104. I love Philosophy products! I’d love an entire day of being pampered – with me not having to cook, clean or lift a finger!

  105. I love Philosophy products! I’d love an entire day of being pampered – with me not having to cook, clean or lift a finger!

  106. My perfect mother’s day would start with sleeping in till’ at least nine o’clock. Then being woken up by sweet kisses from my “well behaved” son Isaac. Followed by a massage from my husband who has already fed me a wonderful breakfast in bed, using your products.

  107. It’d start with breakfast in bed, followed by a cute but ineffective foot ‘massarge’ from my daughter. We’ll have a family walk, then they’ll send me off to browse in the bookstore. After that, I’ll come home to a nice lunch, hugs, homemade cards and reading time. Heaven.

  108. The perfect Mother’s Day would be for me to sleep in as late as I wanted to and for my 3 kids (4,2,6 mths) to not wake me up by being loud but by waking up with breakfast in bed. I would have a nice relaxing day of scrapbooking and a yummy coffee. I’d take a nap in the afternoon and enjoy a nice dinner out with my family. Also I’d be surprised with flowers on my special day! =)

  109. I would love to spend the day doing something simple like a picnic or a barbeque with my kids then maybe later in the evening make some popcorn and watch a movie or 2 together.

  110. I would love to spend the day doing something simple like a picnic or a barbeque with my kids then maybe later in the evening make some popcorn and watch a movie or 2 together.

  111. My ideal Mother’s Day would be for us as a family to go to the zoo or the lake and spend the day. No housework, no bickering amongst the kids, and no annoying phones ringing 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  112. My husband and daughter would surprise me with breakfast in bed. Later I would go to a spa and have a total makeover. Later my husband would surprise with a Limousine ride to have my marriage vows renewed with all my family and friends. Later dinner and time out with my husband and then sleep in late the next day.

  113. I have a 4 week old, so my fantasy Mother’s Day would be a night of uninterupted sleep from which I wake up even thinner than I was before I got pregnant.

  114. My perfect Mother’s Day would be for my

    children to wait on me all day and play

    games,have fun of coarse