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Miracle Blanket

The Miracle Blanket is a miracle indeed! From the moment my son, Jackson, was born, he would not sleep! It was frustrating and exhausting! One night in the first week home, my exasperated husband started reading “The Happiest Baby on the Block” by Dr. Harvey Karp (this book is great by the way, and every new parent should read it!). Dr. Karp stresses the 5 Ss, including swaddling. Jackson had a very strong startle reflex, like many newborns, and he couldn’t settle down unless he was swaddled. We tried using hospital blankets, but it was hard for me to wrap him properly at night, and no matter how tight the swaddle, Jackson could always kick out of it. Next, we tried a few different swaddling blankets that we could find locally, and they didn’t work well either. Finally, someone mentioned the miracle blanket to us, and it was amazing!

The Miracle Blanket, recommended by doctors, parents and even celebrities, is easy to use, even when you’re exhausted in the middle of the night! It was the only blanket that ever kept Jackson swaddled! I highly recommend it for the parents of newborns, who can’t sleep or have reflux or colic. I also like to give it as a baby shower gift. The Miracle Blanket is available in a variety of colors, for $29.99 (there is a really great instructional video on how to swaddle with this blanket!).

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