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Age Resistant Hand Treatments from Become

I have been obsessing about my hands lately. They show age without fail, like the rings on a tree. I have a bathroom full of treatments and products to prevent my face from aging but what about my hands?! They need love too. And now that I am going to be 40 soon (ok, not that soon but eventually I will be), I want to start taking care of my hands so they can be my accomplice when I lie about my age rather than my mole. And speaking of moles, that is what I am trying to avoid, or rather age spot, liver spots – age detectors. You do not want hands full of them because no matter how fresh your face looks, if your hands are full of veins and spots, you will not be feeling very pretty. The sun of course is our skins’ biggest enemy, I am thinking of wearing gloves when I drive but that would make me into one of those freaky Asian women I used to make fun of (I am talking about all my cousins who have no limits to what they will do to stay fair, wearing gloves is just a small and minor part of their insane ritual). Luckily, I have discovered Become, it is an Australian line and who knows about the damages of the sun more than the Australians? It seems like there is just no shade on that giant rock. I am so happy that there is Age Resistant treatments specifically made for the hands. I keep the Smoothing Complex by my sink, it is a salt scrub full of mineral oils. It is important to exfoliate to get new skin cells to be exposed in all its beautiful young glory. The Rejuvenating Hand Cream I keep in my bag, at all times. I wash my hands A LOT, I’ve got 2 kids and I cook so it is unavoidable. Of course I have tons of creams but none that are Age Resistant, need I say that again? Sure I like to be moist, but I need more, I need to resist aging!! The Rejuvenating Hand Cream is $15 and the Hand Smoothing Complex is $29. Become is a direct marketing company but you don’t have to get involved in all that, you can order on their site with Advisor ID # 100109, password ‘become’. Or, call Customer Service at 1-877-BECOME2 (1-877-232-6632).

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