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Was SJP duped by Nina Ricci?


From On the Runway by Cathy Horyn

Wow– turns out the “exclusive” Nina Ricci dress worn by SJP to the premiere of Sex and the City in NYC wasn’t so exclusive after all. According to the NY times blog, On the Runway, Parker was led to believe by both Nina Ricci designer Olivier Theyskens and President Mario Grauso that the dress had not been worn before. SJP was upset because she remarked to Theyskens during the fitting that she was surprised the dress hadn’t been worn before. He assured her it hadn’t.

“He didn’t say, ‘Well, actually I just escorted Lauren down the red carpet at the Met.’ ” said Parker, adding, “I just wish it had been handled differently and they had been straight about it.” (Jump to vote!)

Ouch– perhaps he meant no other actress had worn it to a premiere? As SJP further remarks, “In the big picture, this is not important, but there is a relationship between the entertainment industry and fashion,” she said on Thursday evening, adding. “We’ve watched sales dwindle and we’ve watched people be less inclined to spend money on clothes.”

I have a feeling she is wishing she took Chanel’s offer of a gown plus a $200,000 sponsorship right about now. But there is a small chance that the Nina Ricci camp did not consider sociaite Lauren Davis Santo Domingo as “someone” who is competition for SJP. What do you think, was she or wasn’t she duped? I’d love to hear why you voted the way you did, leave a comment!

Was SJP duped by Nina Ricci?
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