Snob Essentials

Issey Miyake Spring/Summer 2009


Images from WWD.

I’ve grown-up with an affinity for Issey Miyake because my mother has had a long-standing penchant for his clothes. There is something so effortlessly chic about his loose silhouettes and geometric detailing that I absolutely love. This must tie back into my ongoing wish of one day becoming my own version of Rosalind Russel’s character Auntie Mame, but I can totally see myself, one day, being an eccentric grandmother with my fingers covered in over-sized baubles wearing an off-white geometric-collared Miyake coat:) I was so excited to go to Miyake’s show in Paris this season. It was so wonderfully zen from the music to the set (which had moving panels) — see the short video I took to see exactly what I mean! Jump for more thought on the collection and some photos I snapped at the after-party after the jump!


Images from WWD.

The draping was effortlessly delicate, the colors were soft, and the theme of the collection was “Jardin,” so it’s only fitting that some of my favorite pieces were the ones done in shades of green. Fittingly as well, the Miyake after party, catered by my favorite — La Duree, took place in Miyake’s newest boutique (a day before the official opening), and featured only green food! See below for a photo of me holding a macaroon, eclair and a fresh apple juice concoction as well as a photo of the wall covered in water bottles with specially designed Issey Miyake covers!

6.jpg issey miyake boutique opening (3).jpg


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  1. I received an Issey Miyake black pleated shawl number


    I am wondering how to wear it.

    Do you have any pictures to show me how to wear it?

    Thank you.