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“Laundry Day” Hamper


Here is a good way to get your Tot to clean her room. Or at least just the dirty laundry part. My daughter goes to a Montessori preschool where she obediently cleans up after herself all day long but when she gets home, it’s as if she is making up for lost time with her trail of destruction! I am not sure if bribing her with cute domestic apparatus is the right way to parent but at least she will have fun putting away her clothes while it looks cute sitting in the corner. But I can imagine what my new problem will be; all the clean clothes from her drawers will undoubtedly end up on this hamper as well. What can you do? This works like a laundry shoot, clothes go in from the top and you unload it from the bottom. Assembly is required but what isn’t? $145 at The Beans Closet.

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