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Bach Kids

Bach Kids.jpg I absolutely love Bach’s Rescue Remedies . They’re huge in Munich where my parents are from so I’ve grown-up taking drops of these stress relieving homeopathic remedies — they truly work wonders! So I think it’s wonderful that they’ve come up with a special line of their remedies for children! Bach Kids is an all-natural, alcohol free, non-narcotic healing system that can help relieve children’s stress, build confidence, and focus attention. Like Original Flower Remedies the line is created from a combination of flowers recognized for their healing powers, but they contain no alcohol and they are, much unlike the original, sweet. The packaging is also kid-friendly with lively colors. The line features–

All it takes is a few drops directly on your child’s tongue or a few drops mixed into water and voila!  It certainly is worth a try before you venture into more invasive measures.

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