Snob Essentials

Celeb Trend: Thick Glasses


From Left: Ali Hilfiger, Scarlett Johansson, Chloe Sevigny

I don’t know about anywhere else, but here in New York City and in Paris everyone and their mother seem to be sporting quirky thick “nerd” glasses. I go back and forth with what I think about them. I have dozens of glasses that I almost never wear myself — including thick rimmed ones from Donna Karan that I’ve had for about a million years now. I don’t wear glasses unless I’m driving my car which ends-up being pretty much never (I’m such a bad driver that I once got pulled over in the Hamptons for drunk driving even though I was completely sober!). That said, I do think glasses can complete an outfit, especially when they’re used as a statement pieces like these thick ones and, at least in my opinion, all the ladies pictured above pull off the trend fabulously! Would you wear glasses like these? And do you always wear the same pair of glasses or do you mix things up to tailor them to your outfit/mood?


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  1. I have a pair of great max mara frames that are a bit bolder that I will wear out as part of my outfit or if I choose not to wear my contacts, which is fairly rare, usually only when my allergies are in full swing or it has been a late night and my eyes are just too dry and “tired,” and also a pair of “spare” glasses which are pretty no nonsense and are for nights in, etc.

    Those large ones can definitely be pulled off, I think, but I feel like I would be annoyed with them all day slipping off my face/feeling super heavy.

  2. Are these seeing/reading glasses? I kinda dig them., very Roy Orbison, I dont wear glasses or contacts, but if I needed to these would be kinda funky and fun!!

  3. The only person I know who can get away with this is my friend Roxie. I would look like a big fat dork in these!

  4. I’m having a hard time with this trend- I like glasses to look elegant, not distracting. I think the oversized nerd frames are too distracting, and instead of adding to the outfit they take away. I don’t like ’em.

  5. i think it looks best on ali hilfiger, and other people with sharper features and dark hair who won’t be overwhelmed by the frames. i think scarlett and chloe don’t pull it off as well because of this (i’m always conscious of things like this because i’m really pale and my face can be taken over by like, mascara.)

  6. Passing fad, for sure. Misses Hilfiger, Johansson, and Sevigny will see themselves in these photos and swear off clunky forever. ‘What was I *thinking*?!’