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Incrediline – Fun, Creative Wall Surfaces


Incrediline Zoo Mural; Incrediline Rocket Ship Mural

Kids love to doodle but there are just too many rules – don’t doodle on the wall, don’t doodle on the white board with permanent marker, chalk is only for outside, only doodle on your craft table, etc. This is not only confusing for my tots but frankly, I am sick of my own voice constantly barking commands about where, how and when my tots can doodle. These Incrediline wall surfaces solves almost all of my problems, these are not permanently attached to the wall, they are re-positionable, they give instant “decor” to any room but best of all, you can use ANY writing instrument, be it permanent, dry erase, chalk, crayon, marker – whatever is in that giant bucket that you have. Everything is erasable! This is so much easier than monitoring what goes on the white board my tots have right now (by the way, here is a miracle tip for your white boards, if you accidentally use permanent marker on it, toothpaste will take it right off like magic!!) You can choose from a variety of designs, some are educational or you can choose a blank one to give free reign on their imagination. There are also grown up solutions like calendar and music sheet. They come in 6 sizes ranging from 12″ x 18″ for $16 to 48″ x 120″ mural sizes for $380. You can find them at the Wallies Incrediline store.

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