Snob Essentials

Earth Day Snob: Reuse Your Bag Quiz #5

Congratulations Kelly of Los Angeles, CA; Jennie of Charlotte, NC; Eva of Brooklyn, NY; Susan of Sherman Oaks, CA; and Terri of Sacramento, CA for being our Earth Day Quiz winners!!!




In efforts to celebrate and promote the idea behind Earth Day this month, we are doing some major giveaways on eco-friendly products.

Envirosax is a company that produces chic, fashionable, and trendy reusable shopping bags that are great for the environment. We will be giving away the Candy Bag #2 which is part of the Candy Series inspired by Italian designer Emilio Pucci!

To win do something nice for the environment and identify this eco friendly vocalist who co-founded the organic clothing company Edun. Put your answer and what you did for the earth in the comments by Wednesday April 22nd at 11:59pm EST. One entry per person please. One winner will be chosen amongst all correct answers using a random computer drawing.

We will be doing Earth Day Giveaways until Earth Day on April 22nd.


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  1. That’s Bono

    And I got rid of my car, I donated it to charity and my fiancee and I now carpool to work.

  2. Bono

    I have started switching off the monitors at work during lunch and at the end of the day. Next step is to educate all the colleagues to do the same!!!

  3. Bono

    i say no to the checkout ladies whenever they pull out the biggest plastic bag for the smallest item. also use a enviro bag whenever i go grocery shopping

  4. q 1 – This earth friendly singer is ‘Bono’ from the band U2

    q 2 – Coming from a very frugal upbringing, I have always lived quite ‘green’ before it had a name, before it was trendy, and before this economic crisis made it a necessity. But we finally did switch EVERY bulb to CFL’s and my current undertaking, which will take a bit longer to complete, is to switch every appliance to energy star certified. I just switched my printer yesterday, my desktop will be next.

  5. Bono!! I recycle, use fabric bags when shopping, use those spirally light bulbs, compost, use a travel mug, take public transit, use the programmable thermostat in the house and use my Brita filter instead of buying bottled water. I am such a greenie!!

  6. Bono,

    I make totes out of used fabric and recycled car sun shields (for thermal installation). Then I give them away to friends and family to support more greening.

  7. I just got your e-newletter today. Of course it is Bono. WE do lots of things. I have a Prius, recycle, have a garden, take in my own cloth bags when shopping, all energy efficient appliances, take public transit when I can, don’t buy plastic water bottle, take shorter showers and more.