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La Compagnie de Provence Marseille

My boyfriend and I are in the middle of figuring-out our vacation plans for summer. We’re deciding between traveling around the Provence-area or going to Prague/Budapest/Vienna/Berlin so I’ve been doing some research trying to decide between the two and came across a great article in the New York Times about all of the wonderful soap and body products in Marseille. I got very excited because one of the lines mentioned in the article was La Compagnie de Provence Marseille. The all-natural line has been around for ages, but I’ve recently seen it pop-up in a number of NYC’s small beauty boutiques. I’m absolutely in love with the packaging. I often carry the hand cream in my purse (though mine is bigger than travel size, so people sometimes laugh when I bust out the 100 ml tube!). The products have clean, simple, but super-chic packaging (looove the french writing), and the quality is great. Everything is made from palm, olive and coprah, or coconut oils, is free of colorants and animals fats and is guaranteed to contain 72% oil, a percentage that is lovingly stamped on La Compagnie de Provence Marseille cube soaps. The line is unbelievably pure making all the soaps hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial, and mildly antiseptic. There’s such a local authenticity to this line — not overly fussy just simple and effective. Has anyone been to Marseille/tried any of the city’s wonderful soaps?

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