Snob Essentials

Dapple – Baby Safe Cleaning Products


I featured some home made organic cleaning products a while back. I think it made some people feel inadequate that they can’t imagine carving out the time and energy to do such a thing, myself included. I am more of the “tell me what to buy” kind of girl myself so here is a better option – Dapple natural cleaning products. They are all green and organic which means it is safe for your tots to give toys the taste test after you clean them with this stuff. And they are perfect for babies not just because they are they non-toxic but they are specifically formulated for baby messes – like dried milk and film, sticky fingers and cakes on food on toys and strange odors only babies know how to make. The Toy Cleaning Wipes ($21.99 for pack of 3) are great for the road, I mean, what do you do when a beloved chew toy takes a tumble while you’re out? Usually it goes into hiding and you just deal with the meltdown. Or worse, you give it back to your tot! For home, there it the Toy Cleaner Spray ($19.99 for 3) which is good for cleaning everything, including high chair, exersaucer, play tables, etc. For bottles, or for everything and everyone in the family, the Natural Based Dish Liquid is a must ($19.99 for 3), it thoroughly cleans bottles and gets all the crusty dried milk off, including the musty smell old milk leaves behind. These are available at Babies’ R Us and Toys R Us.



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