Snob Essentials

YSL Urban Jungle Muse


I love cats, especially the big kind. jaguar.jpgSaw a jaguar the other day and instantly bonded with her, the staff referred to her as, “the queen– she comes and goes as she pleases, we have a garden for her on the roof and can not force her to come down to the cage”. She was a beauty, confined to a glass cage at the Dallas World Aquarium but still mighty and regal in her demeanor as if she were strolling freely through the jungle. I really wanted to pet her but was scared she’d have me for lunch. I’ll have to settle for petting the new Muse Two from YSL– it looks remarkably like the diva cat I saw, which is in itself creepy but rest assured, this is mere calf hair (they call it pony skin but it’s most definitely not from ponies!). You may remember 4 years ago when I was not into leopard print of any kind. I guess I am showing my age and have become an old lady because now I can tolerate most of it and even own a few key pieces but this one, I’m passing on.  YSL Leopard Muse Two Bag $2295 at  What about you, how do you feel about leopard print?



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  1. Leopard print, in moderation, is fine. I have a pair of Luciano Padovan peep toe leopard print stilettos that are to die for; I get nothing but compliments every time I wear them.

  2. The only think I have in leopard print is a Banana Republic (circa 1982) bandana, bought at the original San Francisco store, that I once in a while wear around the neck like a bankrobber about to pull it onto his face. And, I only will wear it with a crisp white button-down shirt, and maybe a tweedy blazer. I do think that a pair of ballerina flats in leopard could be very cool with skinny jeans as a future purchase.

  3. T, like you I was never into animal print in till a couple years ago or so…I too own a few key pieces of leopard–LOVE!!! However, I would not be able to pull off this bag…

    SO I say SNOB on the Leopard!!! (in moderation)


  4. I think everyone has a little soft spot in them for a good leopard print. I guess there is something to be said for the fact that it NEVER seems to go out of style 🙂 I have to say that YSL does the best and most real-looking animal prints I have seen.

  5. Hi, i really need your help!! How does one measure the handle drop of a bag? Is it like the gap from the “top” of the handle to where the bag “starts” again? I’m trying to figure out if the handle drop on this bag

    is large enough to carry it on my shoulder 🙂

    Thanks so much guys!! 🙂

  6. Since this is an YSL bag, I´d also like to say something. Leopard is an exotic animal to me. I have never imagined the print for myself, nor do I now. This bag is quite big and imo it is a statement bag, narrowing your choices for your outfits. The fur is very nice and I accept the price.

  7. what a great bag! Yes, it is the inside space between the bag and the handle. I think that 4″ is too small for your shoulder. I have worn 6.5″ and 7″ drops on my shoulder–but they’re really too snug with a coat. This bag has a shoulder strap though, so you should be fine–just use that!

  8. A teeny-tiny amount of leopard goes a long way. Plus it’s even more important that it’s fit for purpose than with anything else because it’s so noticeable and because you need to counteract the trashy undertones.

    For example, a jacket should be well-cut so that you see the jacket and the cut enhances the look of the print, rather than trying to get the print to carry the jacket.

    I also think that you need to balance the colours in the print with your neutrals, e.g too much yellow wouldn’t go with black but might with browns.

    This bag would be far too much effort for me, plus I never really got past how the Muse opened. When I tried it in the store, it just hung open because the handle is on the flap. Couldn’t cope with that; it’s an invitation to pick-pockets and makes it too difficult to find anything if (like me) there’s far too much stuff in your bag.

  9. A teeny-tiny amount of leopard goes a long way. Plus it’s even more important that it’s fit for purpose than with anything else because it’s so noticeable and because you need to counteract the trashy undertones.

    For example, a jacket should be well-cut so that you see the jacket and the cut enhances the look of the print, rather than trying to get the print to carry the jacket.

    I also think that you need to balance the colours in the print with your neutrals, e.g too much yellow wouldn’t go with black but might with browns.

    This bag would be far too much effort for me, plus I never really got past how the Muse opened. When I tried it in the store, it just hung open because the handle is on the flap. Couldn’t cope with that; it’s an invitation to pick-pockets and makes it too difficult to find anything if (like me) there’s far too much stuff in your bag.