Snob Essentials

Denim Vests: Snob or Slob?


I’m not a big denim person. On occasion I’ll wear a pair of skin-hugging Sergio Valente jeans when I go out and when I’m feeling particularly lazy during the day I’ll opt for some of my Old Navy ones (which are amazing actually! Old Navy has the BEST affordable jeans). Most of my other jeans are a big waste of space (I’m feeling guilty about them just sitting in my closet as I write this…). Oddly enough though I’m totally loving a distressed denim vest that I found in my closet at my parents place (must be at least 7 years old — just goes to show you never know when something will come back in style!). I’ve been wearing it over a white tank with lots of layered necklaces. You couldn’t pay me to wear jean skirts, over-alls, or a jean dress, but the vest works!

What do you think about denim vests for fall? Snob or Slob?



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