Snob Essentials

Miranda Kerr’s Prada: Snob or Slob?

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Is it just me or does Miranda Kerr seem to be popping-up all over these days?? All I can say is she gives Gisele a run for her gorgeous! Above the Victoria’s Secret model is pictured with an ombre Prada bag and though I’m not a fan of the bag I have to say that it goes perfectly with her outfit. I think the Prada bag has a good base, but the baby blue is too much of a clash with the ombre and I don’t like the shape (though overall I tend to not like bags that are too rectangular in shape). The zip detail on the bottom is a nice touch though. My vote is for slob when the bag is taken on its own and snob when it’s as expertly coordinated with an outfit as it is in Kerr’s case.

What do you think about Kerr’s Prada? Snob or Slob?


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  1. Um.. I am pretty sure that it is just silver hardware, not baby blue. It just has a mirror-like finish, and reflects the color of its surroundings (in this case, baby blue).

  2. I agree with Justin also, and I LOVE the bag. I’m a jeans and T-shirt girl, and I can’t think of anything that this would not go with thats in my closet.

  3. I have this bag and its not baby blue its just the way the light hits the silver metal plate. Its from a couple of seasons ago.

  4. I have this Prada ombre in a tote style. That is definitely silver hardware reflecting, as I saw this bag in person. The tote I have, does not have the silver plaque, but has the zipper on the bottom to make it bigger. I bought my bag 2 years ago on sale. I think it’s a Snob. It’s really an interesting bag.

  5. I think this bag is one of the good ones from Prada house recently. This bag has been out for a while so I am surprised that Bag snog would make such a mistake.

  6. Why are you wasting your time on this bag? It is from several years ago. You also do not seem to know what you are talking about. Why would you ever think it was baby blue? This bag was carried by Katie Holmes. It was on the Saks, BG, NM and even Bluefly sites. OLD NEWS! Why not feature current bag trends and styles? This makes bag snob look very bad and definitely not the ultimate bag experts.

  7. #1 I don’t like that bag at all. I don’t care if the plate is metal or baby blue, it’s too much on a bag which already has a lot going on.

    #2 Sharon never said that this was a new bag! Last time I checked, this site was called bagsnob, not totallynewneverseenbeforebagsnob. The girls are allowed to talk about bags from a few seasons ago, PARTICULARLY when a celebrity is wearing them. In this day, when many are doing the whole ‘shop your closet’ thing, there’s nothing wrong with bringing up (and critiquing) bags that are a few seasons old.

  8. Who cares if this is a current bag or not? I agree with Kate, since it is on a celebrity it can be talked about so please stop being such a brat 🙂 this does not make bag snob look bad at all, and it shows that previous seasons are still relevant in the celebrity world and are fair game.

  9. I CARE!!! There are way too many current bag trends to focus on. Tina would have never wasted her time on this. Also, it is absolutely obvious that Sharon does not even know anything about the bag. How can she critique it apropriately? It is inappropriate for you to name call and say someone is a brat because they use their constitutional rights of freedom of speech. Maybe you are too young and naive to know this Kate W.

  10. Get a life Sydney and grow up. Because someone uses their freedom of speech rights, they are a brat? Are you from some socialist country? If you are, stay there and be a puppet and do and say what everyone wants you to say.

  11. The bag looks great on her. Old or new. I don´t care However, I have to say, that when I look at some magazines ( Vogue, any language, or Elle ), I see gorgeous bags there. Bags from all labels – RL, Armani, Burberry has some fantastic new ones, and even Vuitton ( we only get to see the uglies ), The same ones hardly ever are reviewed at Bagsnobs. Why ?

  12. I’m sorry this post has angered some of you. I came across this photo that was taken earlier this summer (not years ago!), at the premier of “500 days of Summer” and thought the bag was interesting because it showed how sometimes a person can make a bag! A bag could be a slob, but if you wear it right and with the right outfit, like Kerr does in my opinion with this slob, it could be a snob.

    As for the baby blue, that was an honest mistake. I saw a number of pictures and that’s the color it looked to me (I suppose I didn’t register the screws)! Maybe I was secretly hoping for Kerr’s sake it was blue to match her outfit so perfectly:)

  13. To those that are making unnecessary rude comments: no one is forcing you to read this blog so leave if you are not satisfied. The question was whether or not this bag was a snob or slob not if this blog was!

    Move on; a great bag should be timeless so I am all for reviewing old models still being worn today.

    Great job Sharon!

  14. exactly. a real bagsnob is someone who can use classic bags from the past, present and future, so it’s just right to review old models so those who owns them will feel the gratification of having invested in a great classic piece or not.

  15. Sharon is not a bad reviewer of bags. What counts here is personal opinion. Tina & Kelly have different likes & dislikes too. Some of you may have bought & already using this bag & that’s why you are not happy with Sharon’s review.

  16. I don’t like the bag as it looks scruffy. Miranda Kerr can pull it off because she is gorgeous and stylish. I can imagine an average looking person like moi could carry this off.

    And being rude to Sharon is uncalled for. If you don’t like her posts stick to reading Kelly and Tina. I, for one, enjoy her refreshing point of view.

  17. That post was okay, but I definitely think that a reviewer should have at least now/seen the real bag.

    Mistaking the silverware as baby blue is quite fatal I think.

    Don’t just write a review based on the picture; research the bag first, see it from different angles THEN write whatever your opinion is.