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Brulee Lounge & Lingerie


Growing-up I was very self-conscious about the fact that I had very small breasts. So from a young age I began to splurge on lingerie — I figured if I couldn’t compete with my classmates on best boobs, I’d have the best bras (not that anyone besides the girls in the locker rooms ever saw them…just saying!). I have amassed a pretty ridiculous collection with everything from day-glow Deborah Marquit pieces to heart-flecked Moschino and leopard-print Dolce & Gabbana ones since then and while a recent break-up with my long-time boyfriend has put me on a self-imposed lingerie-shopping ban, I think I may have to add some Brulee to my collection. The just launched loungewear and lingerie line is made in NYC and features some of the sexiest, yet simple and under-stated pieces I’ve seen. The price points are not bad at all and they strike me as the perfect pieces to wear when you’re trying to look and feel sexy, but be comfortable and casual at the same time. Kind of like if American Apparel and La Perla had a baby, no?

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