Snob Essentials

no!no! Skin

nono-skin.jpgI could not have received the no!no! Skin ($180) at a better time as I was making myself cross-eyed eying a blemish on my chin a few weeks ago. The pocket-size device is from the same brand that made the no!no! Hair and similarly uses “zapping” to target the problem — in this case a zit. It uses Light & Heat Energy technology (the light treats the bacteria that is the source of the blemish, while the heat speeds up the healing process and reduces swelling), to help pimples heal 55% quicker than if left untreated. I’m usually intimidated by these kinds of gadgets and I wouldn’t recommend this for anyone with serious acne issues, but if you’re like me and are driven crazy when you have the occasional few pimples pop-up this is probably right for you. It’s super simple to use just “Place, Push, Pulse” (each “treatment” lasts 10 seconds and there is a beep to tell you when it’s over). It’s recommended to use this on your blemish twice a day (two sessions each time), until it goes away. When I used this, I found that while the pimples didn’t completely go away by the next day, the no!no! Skin got them to the minimal point where I wasn’t self-conscious about them in just 24 hours…and really that’s all I want!  


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1 comment

  1. This seems pretty cool. I’ve never trusted the mini home “laser” hair removal devices, but for some reason, a mini pimple blaster seems like it *might* work. Anyone out there tried this device? I’d love to review it on my blog.