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Bochic Jewelry

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Everyone knows that the Taj Mahal was built by an Indian emperor for his beloved wife. This X’mas, point your men in a less costly (but no less beautiful) direction to show his love for you with these white bakelite tourmaline earrings or the Ottoman cross on white bakelite bangle from Bochic. I found this gorgeous jewelry collection when I stumbled onto their online sample sale on I was first wowed by the exotically beautiful collection, then managed to leave the page “accidentally” on my husband’s computer. Unfortunately thirty minutes later, my husband was still nowhere in front of his desk and I found that everything was SOLD OUT on the site!!!

So I am going to do us all a favor here–HINT: BUSY HUSBANDS EVERYWHERE–you can’t go wrong with anything on the Bochic website and they offer a lifetime upgrade service–in case you are out of gift ideas for the years to come.

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