Snob Essentials

Royal Dandies Piglets


Oh my god, how cute are these? I am going crazy because I’m so in love and I must have one! If you want to be the biggest hero this holiday season, get this for your tot, grand tot or anyone else you want to have love you forever. My assistant had a pig for a pet and she had some sobering tips, this is what she said her pig Petunia:

Pigs are just under dolphins on the intelligence scale, so they are into everything. You think they are locked in a room and can’t get out? Think again. They are so entertaining and hilarious and very trainable, but very high maintenance. Ours required a special diet, so preparing her meals daily was more intricate than our human meals. She would lay on the couch with us to watch TV and soon thought she was one of the dogs. Truly a great experience, but you have to have time for them. They get bored easily and need a lot of stimulation. If you get one, I’ll babysit.

If you don’t have a babysitting offer, you better make sure you can handle one of these. When looking into the cost, I was totally disturbed that they are sold based on weight! The Royal Dandies which range from 29 lbs to 39 lbs are $3900 – $4400 + shipping and neuter/spay (shipping? Like buying a Cabbage Patch doll) and the Dandie Extremes are between 15 lbs to 29 lbs and are 10 generations smaller than the already very small “Royal Dandies” are $4500 – $5000 + shipping and neuter/spay.

*All piglets are priced according to their small size with the very smallest being the most expensive.

**If you are willing to take a teenager who will stay small, but is out of the piglet stage, discounts are available.



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