Snob Essentials

Take a Fresh Breath: Kiss My Face & Listerine

I can’t believe we’re getting so close to Valentine’s Day! So cheesy, but I kind of love Vday and it doesn’t matter to me whether or not I’m in a relationship (usually my Vdays are actually better when I’m single, because somehow boys have always seemed to disappoint me on big occasions, so better spend the day with friends:-)). A Vday-related survey found that bad breath is the number one reason why women over 25 turn down a date. Luckily I don’t encounter too many men with bad breath, but going by what my dentist told me a few weeks ago most people’s gums (including my own!) are in dire need of some mouthwash to tackle bacteria and keep them healthy. To that end, I thought I’d highlight two brands that have come-out with new products to treat both bad breath and gum health! First up, the obvious — Listerine. Unlike the run-of-the-mill mouthwash you’re likely thinking of however, they’ve recently added Total Care washes. Total Care not only kills bad breath, fights plaque, bacteria, strengthens teeth, and restores enamel, but it also prevents cavities something mouthwashes typically don’t do. The one drawback to Listerine is that it’s very strong flavor-wise, especially for someone like me who is sensitive to mint…I still use Bubble Gum Barbie toothpaste!). For those that share my problem, Kiss My Face (they make super-affordable, natural products), has just come-out with Breath Blast Mouthrinse which helps whiten teeth, restore enamel, kill germs, fights plaque, and freshen your breath all the while being 100% natural and boasting great (and lighter), flavors! The Vanilla Mint is my personal fave:-)


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  1. I’d never even heard of Kiss My Face before your post, I may have to see if that is available in my area. In the meantime, I use the Listerine products and they have a mouthwash that isn’t as strong, it doesn’t come in as many flavors but when your mouth is on fire, who cares what flavor is burning 🙂 Thanks for letting us know about Kiss My Face (love the name).