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Sex and the City 2: Sneak Preview Stills


Is anyone as excited as I am for the release of “Sex and the City 2” on May 27? I have no doubt everyone who reads this blog is counting down the days until the movie hit theaters nationwide. In the meantime, have a peek at these preview stills from the film. How major is that shoe “fridge?” It seems like it belongs to Carrie Bradshaw, but you never know! Carrie’s closet has clearly expanded in the sequel; witness the shot that shows a space twice the size of her old digs (fun fact: provided all the clothing staged in the closets). As glamorous as the movie remains, Michael Patrick King was conscious of the economic turmoil the world experienced while filming and thus the final result is sensitive to the realities of life (save for the Abu Dhabi desert fantasy vacation scenes, where no expense was spared in the script writing). Look for Carrie to also sport numerous Halston dresses in the film–she recently signed on as president of Halston Heritage. And lest “Sex and the City” faithfuls get nostalgic to the series’ HBO days, costumer Patricia Field has brought back the John Galliano for Dior newspaper dress Carrie wore in that pivotal season three moment while confronting Natasha.

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