Snob Essentials

Bikram Yoga Tips

Bikram Yoga, also known as hot yoga, has become one of the “hot” work-outs (along with Soul Cycle and Physique 57), among my friends. Inspired by my trainer who completed Bikram Yoga NYC‘s 30 day challenge (take one 90 minute class every day for 30 days straight),  and a number of friends who have sworn that the practice has helped them relax while shedding pounds, I took my first class over the weekend at Bikram Yoga NYC. The studio actually has an amazing deal where new students can take up to two classes a day for 30 days for only $30 (one class costs $23).

Unlike most workout/yoga classes, every Bikram yoga class is the exact same, so no matter where or when you take a class, you know exactly what to expect. It consists of a series of 26 poses performed in a room heated to between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit with 40% humidity. Each pose is usually performed twice and held between 10 and 60 seconds. I was expecting to feel more exhausted after the 90 minutes, but I actually felt unbelievably energized and relaxed. I don’t do yoga often because the pace of most classes usually leaves my mind drifting to my endless to-do list rather than achieving a state of relaxation, but the sweating in this class is such a high! It’s awesome how much more flexible you feel when you’re soaking in sweat and maybe it’s because of all the 100-plus degree days we’ve had in NYC this summer, but 105 didn’t seem that bad. I’m excited to continue taking more classes – my only peeve is that I wish there were women-only classes offered. Seeing hairy men sweating is very grossly distracting! Jump for some tips from Bikram Yoga NYC and share your thoughts if you’ve tried a hot yoga class!

  •  Wear light clothing.

    A lot of people who have never done Bikram Yoga before tend to wear long yoga pants on their first visit. Due to the heated environment, we recommend shorts (or very lightweight yoga pants) and a yoga tank top or sports bra for women. Men should wear shorts or swim trunks and a t-shirt (t-shirt is optional). No Speedos please.

  • HYDRATE before you come to class

    Often people forget to drink water before coming to class. Coming to class already hydrated will make a positive difference in class. When you drink water during class, SIP don’t GULP so you don’t end up with a really full belly. Please remember to drink water only in between postures so that you don’t distract people around you.

  • Do not compare yourself to those around you and be patient with yourself

    Everybody moves at their own pace in class and it is important to realize that your pace might not be as fast as your neighbor’s pace. No matter how inflexible, injured or out of shape you may think you are, with a regular practice, you will improve your body tremendously.

  • Take care of yourself – sit down if you need to

    If you feel light-headed or dizzy, sit down on your heels. We know that it’s tempting to lie down, but it is important to keep your head above your heart which will make you feel better. Also please keep your eyes open at all times so that the teacher knows that you are OK. Taking long slow inhales and exhales through the nose will also help. Remember – you may not be able to do absolutely everything on your first day so pace yourself. If you do feel dizzy or nauseous it may be a sign of dehydration, so ask the teacher for electrolytes.

  • Try not to eat at least two hours before class

    Most regular students find that it is best not to eat at least 2 hours before class. However, if you have not eaten two hours before the two hour cut-off, it is a good idea to have coconut water or a banana before you take class. It is important to nourish yourself properly while practicing Bikram Yoga because it is estimated that you burn between 500-700 calories per class. As you practice more and more you will adapt your food intake naturally to accommodate your class schedule.

  • Stay at least 2 FULL MINUTES after final breathing.


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  1. I think it’s awesome that you’re getting into Bikram yoga. I’ve recently completed the 60-day challenge and I can say that my stress level has dwindled down and I’m more cheerful to be around. If you need hot yoga clothes, check out shakti activewear (probably the most popular brand for bikram yoga) and lululemon!

    Hope you’ll integrated in your routine!