Snob Essentials

Pumpkin Time

When I was younger I hosted Halloween parties every year. My girlfriends would come over and we would play various games that my mother organized for us and then we’d proceed to collect candy from the hundreds of apartments in my parent’s 35-story apartment building – heaven for a girl with a sweet tooth! As soon as I got too old to trick-or-treat however, I completely lost interest and I gather that until I have children of my own I’ll stick to vegging out and avoiding the traffic and people chaos that comes with Halloween in Manhattan!

While I may not like being surrounded by skimpy firefighters and Rachel Zoe doppelgangers, I looove the pumpkin-infused beauty products that pop-up around this time. Before I left for a 2-week trip a few weeks ago I stopped by Eve Salon in NYC for a Pumpkin Spice Pedicure and it was absolute heaven! It came with spiced apple cider (available spiked on request…), and the scrub and lotion used were infused with Pumpkin, Honey, and Vanilla, so delicious, you might think it’s drinkable…seriously. I opted for a manicure as well and I choose a sparkly red Dashing Diva shade which I figured would last the longest (sparkle polishes are usually a lot tougher to get off). My manicure lasted 11 days and my toes – 3 weeks later – are still good to go. Jump for more pumpkin finds!


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