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Lunch Punch Whimsical Shape Sandwich Cutters


Instead of coming up with new sandwich ideas everyday, try changing the shape to get your tots excited about lunch. Seriously, it works. I added the Lunch Punch in my lunch rotation – this doesn’t just cut out the sandwich into cool shapes, it perforates the entire surface so the designs can be taken out!! This saves more of the sandwich, the cute hearts and flower cutters I have takes off practically half the sandwich. I feel bad wasting all that bread so I make my poor husband eat it for breakfast (I can’t because I’m gluten intolerant!). Also use it to make fairybread (butter and sprinkles is all it takes!), toast, cakes and cookies. Comes with a set of 4 designs in Princess or Transport Shapes. At Amazon for $14.50. BPA free, lead free, mercury free, phthalate free, diswasher safe and fully recyclable.

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