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Burberry Toddler’s and Little Girls’ Leather Dress: Totes Not for Tots


Oh, no. A leather dress for a little girl? For real? Burberry, you’ve gone too far. This is wrong on so many levels, for both practical and moral reasons. Sticky! Uncomfortable! Unbreathable! Sexy! Unseemly! Do I need to go on?

Yes, we are ready, willing, and able to suffer for fashion, but tots don’t want to and they should not be forced to. Wearing restrictive clothing is what adulthood is for! Besides, even if this dress felt as comfy as a pair of fleece pajamas, leather is inappropriate for tots due to its overtly edgy and obviously sensual connotations. Because, yes, grown-ups have sick minds. Why feed into that? If these reasons aren’t enough, then there’s the very adult price. Consider this logic: you are going to spend a large sum on something your little girl will not be happy wearing, all the while sending out the wrong message. And it’s true, people will judge! At Saks Fifth Avenue for $695.

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