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Arcona The Solution: The REAL Problem-Solver

After my eye-opening facial with Renée Rouleau, I began looking at options for number one, my obsession with exfoliating, and two, my even bigger obsession with getting rid of hyperpigmentation.

Renee wisely suggested using deep exfoliants, such as enzymes and acids, rather than surface exfoliants, like your basic scrubs and tools (like the Clarisonic brush). There are three benefits to this change: first, deep exfoliants work from within to refine pores and stimulate cell renewal; second, truly effective deep exfoliants (like The Solution by Arcona) stop hyperpigmentation from forming deep within the skin; and third, hyperpigmentation can be prevented since surface exfoliants can actually cause skin darkening by stimulating melanin production.

I had previously used the Gentle Solution from Arcona with minimal results. Yes, my skin was smoother, my pores clearer, but I never saw any hyperpigmentation reversal. Either I didn’t use it correctly or it wasn’t strong enough. So I decided to give The Solution a try. It is the same type of product, but contains stronger concentrations of the active ingredients. Ironically, The Solution is more watery than the thick, creamy Gentle Solution. But, this baby works like a miracle!

I used as instructed, four times a week with three days off, and I did this for a full three weeks. I applied it immediately after cleaning my face and let it absorb completely before I put on my moisturizer. The results: my face is baby smooth, my pores have diminished to minuscule proportions, I have a peachy complexion, and the craziest thing – my dark spots are disappearing like magic!! The darkest of my spots are more a dark tan than the dark brown they once were. The lighter spots are now blending in with my naturally dark complexion and actually disappear when I wear foundation.

Other benefits (a fourth and fifth!) of The Solution are the prevention of wrinkles and improvement in the skin’s immune system. It works its magic at the beginning of the skin’s cycle and ensures all new cells are healthy ones. You do need to use it for a good 60 days to see the full results since that’s about the length of your skin’s renewal cycle (younger skin’s cycle is closer to 30 days).

Now that I have found the secret to everlasting youth and beauty, I am stocking up on Christmas gifts for all my friends and family who have the same hyper pigmentation concerns. And just my luck, my timing could not be better! For Black Friday, Arcona is having a 50% off sale on all purchases over $100. Woohoo! Here comes Santa! Available for $42. Just call 877/272-6620 or order online at, use code “black” for the discount.

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