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Keratin Complex Volumizing Dry Shampoo

As much as I love Oscar Blandi’s dry shampoo, it’s not convient to travel with (I’d have to tape down the cap and even then I’d risk the powder spilling out), so while I was in Seattle I took the opportunity to test out a new dry shampoo and went with Keratin Complex Volumizing Dry Shampoo ($35), because of it’s no mess brush applicator. Not only is it perfect for travel because it won’t spill, it’s small enough to fit into your gym bag, so it’s perfect for getting rid of the after-workout greasy look if you have a quick errand to run before you’re able to hop in the shower. It”s also super easy to use – just brush it on your hair and the applicator automatically dispenses the powder on your hair and, unlike what you might expect, it only dispenses a small amount so there’s no danger of looking like you dumped a pound of flour/powder on your head! I have dirty blonde hair and used the one for blondes and not only was it great for an instant refresher, I’m between highlight appointments and it helped cover-up/lighten my roots so my hair actually looked shiner and healthier (impressive given that I used it when my hair was at its dirtiest/greasiest!). This product also comes in a Brunette and White (neutral) iterations.

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