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Sponge Avocado Oil: New Outlook, New Regimen

I slather oil on every part of my body, even my hair. It is a natural element that your body just loves. And my skin, at my precarious age of not young and not exactly old, just soaks it up. (As in, teenagers need not apply.) Avocado oil is especially good, so I was very excited to try this new natural line, Sponge. Their concept is amazing: all chemical-free exacted oils from plants and herbs grown exclusively in Greece. Growing locations are determined based on the optimum environment for each plant, and wild-crafting, the harvesting of wild elements in a sustainable way, is also utilized. Sponge has an all-natural preservation system using only three ingredients to ensure the healthiest product for your skin.

I just had the most intense – and I mean INTENSE – peel done, verdict outstanding, which left me dry, flaking and completely in need of nourishment. I was told not to use any other products other than the ones given to me by the esthetician, but I was not used to the cracked and crunchy feel of my skin. (Instincts say that is just not a good thing.) I was craving oil, so I went straight to Sponge Avocado Oil. As soon as I put it on, my entire body sighed in relaxation, and my face reacted like it would an oasis in the Sahara desert. Not only did I get the hydration I needed, but the oil actually helped the sloughing of the skin too. I literally looked like a molting snake, and his oil allowed me to be in public without awkward stares of horror.

The recovery after an intense peel is critical. Although my esthetician advised against other products, I don’t think she knew about this one. It got me through a major trauma so I can only imagine the even more amazing effects during periods of non-traumatic life. I may actually cheat on my beloved Darphin oil and make this a regular in my regimen! And that says a lot.

On Barneys New York for $100.

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