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Wittlebee: Whittle Down Your Shopping Time

I’m the first to admit it: shopping for your tot can get oh, so tiresome. Sometimes it seems infants and toddlers grow so fast, you can’t keep up even if you have an arsenal of gear ready to go. Which is why I’m excited to announce the launch of Wittlebee, a super-savvy new e-commerce site dedicated to taking the “oh, lord, not again!” out of shopping. Sure it’s fun, when you have the time! But if you are just rushing in and out to grab the essentials, why not have this service take that pain out of your routine?

Just fill out your style profile, then talk to mom-stylists who will actually understand what you want and need. After you sign up for the membership, you get a box full of tot-snob goodies shipped automatically each month. Think custom packages of soft, high-quality products that grow in size just as your tot does, from T-shirts to onesies to leggings. You get the basics and you can relax and enjoy when you are buying the fun stuff. Great for working parents and you can stop this service when your tot stops growing every 5 minutes!!

Even better, they have a “1 for Onesie” program. Every time you order a onesie for your Wittlebee box, the site donates a second to Baby Buggy, Jessica Seinfeld’s famous nonprofit that clothes underprivileged families. Shopping on autopilot and onesies for all tots – what could be easier?

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