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Bottega Veneta PVC-Weave Cabat: You’ve Got to See It to Be-Weave It

As luxe as leather and a whole lot spunkier! Only Bottega Veneta could make polyvinyl chloride (yep, PVC) look this chic – and a weave of the manmade material takes the trusty Cabat into completely unfamiliar territory.

Choose between two styles; whether you want to go all-out clear PVC (the bag on the right) or keep yours blended with classic skin, the choice is yours. Trust me. The photo cannot fully illustrate the sheer coolness. You get the luster of PVC, along with a translucent feel, and it adds up to super-modern twist on Bottega’s ultimate classic shape.

An open Cabat sitting at your side is the epitome of casual chic. It’s carefree and effortless, but you know the girl is high-maintenance in a good way (put together but not a pain in the ass). This version tells the world: you’re a maven who knows exactly where to push the boundaries. I like the mix of leather and clear (large, $7,800 and medium, $6,350) for some contrast, but for the same effect and less money (and easier care) the pure PVC ($4,800) is a great option.

For purchase, contact Katherine Benjamin at the Beverly Hills Bottega Veneta boutique, at 310-858-6533.

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