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My Favorite Snack Containers: From Toddler to Big Kid

My Favorite Snack Containers

Life with tots is go, go go. And when hunger strikes, it comes fast and furious – you need to be ready with food (and not junk food) at a moment’s notice. So finding sturdy snack containers is important for any parent. Here are the best buys to ensure that you’re a mobile snack shack:

Toddler: Made for Mom Snack Trap
With each of the three cups having two easy to hold handles, the Made for Mom containers are really made for tots. They have foolproof lids so snacks don’t fall out, making these must-haves. On Amazon for $8.49.

2 – 3 year old: Penguin Snack Container
Kids start to get picky about which snacks they get, so having more than one option is an essential for tots with particular tastes (and temper tantrums to match). This also has the spill-proof lid since they’re still going to be clumsy, but you can now go sans handle at this age. On Giggle for $10.

Preschool: Trunk Snack Box
This is even cuter for packing different snacks than the penguin container. You can keep things separate – fruit in one section, crackers in another, etc. Send each of your little ones off with this and a juice box, and they’ll be good to go. It requires a little more dexterity, but preschoolers can easily manage. On Giggle for $15.

Big Kid: Kid Konserve Nesting Trio Stainless Steel Containers
I love these stainless steel containers for packing lunches. As you tots head off the school (with snacks in tow), you’ll appreciate more durable containers. If they forget a container full of fruit at school and wait a week to bring back the moldy science project, stainless steel will be simple to clean and you can rest easy knowing it’s safe for reuse. On Amazon for $19.04.

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