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Snack Right

For better or worse most nights my dinner isn’t so much a dinner, but a mix of about 1,000 different little things. No matter what I make sure to include fruits, vegetables and some kind of protein (usually salmon), but inevitably cookies (sugar is my major weakness!), baguette (bread is my second weakness!), will make their way in there along with other odds and ends. I’ve gotten way better however at stocking my apartment with healthful snack options and while they may not completely eliminate my sugar and carb indulging, they have helped reign them in. Here are three recent discoveries!

Wink Frozen Desserts: For over a year I was addicted to Arctic Zero, but I had a little overdose and now the mere sight of it makes my stomach turn. Enter Wink. A friend of mine bought a Groupon for it and raved about it – and with good reason! The whole pint has just 100 calories (the WHOLE pint), and it’s totally sugar, fat, and cholesterol free, while boasting protein, fiber, and an ingredients list with only recognizable ingredients (i.e. nothing gross and artificial here).  I know what you’re thinking…this must taste like flavored water…that’s what I thought…But the egg, dairy, and gluten-free frozen dessert has a consistency that so perfectly mimics ice cream that it actually does satisfy – TRUST! Just don’t expect it to be even as close to as rich as  Ben & Jerry’s, but for a little hint of sweetness this is perfect. My favorite flavor is Cake Batter, which also makes for a fantastic milkshake.

New York Naturals Greenola: I knew this was going to be good because my mother told me about this product after seeing it at Whole Foods. My mother is one of those rare women who is teeny tiny without paying much attention to her diet or exercising (though I am on her about doing both consistently…being skinny is no excuse!). Needless to say she is more of a potato chip than kale eater. She tried New York Natural Cranberry Nut Crunch granola however – which is a kale rather than grain-based granola – made with Kale, Dates, Almonds, Coconut Flakes, Cranberries, Sesame Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, Cinnamon, all of which have been dehydrated, and loved it. It is so good!!! They have a few different flavors offered that satisfy both your sweet and salty crunch cravings. This is an awesome chip alternative.

Creative Juice: Juices are a dime a dozen here in NYC, but leave it to Danny Meyer to come up with some of the best tasting and most unique concoctions I’ve ever seen. Among the ingredients he uses are avocados, jicama, dried apricot, kohlrabi, red cabbage, and dried figs and his various mixes were created under the direction of celeb MD Dr. Jeffrey Morrison so they’re designed to be as nutritionally balanced as possible. As of now they are only sold at Equinox locations (50th Street and 76th Street locations), but expect more and an online presence soon. Love the bottles too!

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