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Vannesa Tosoni Pearl Necklaces: Revenge is Best Served in Pearls

Vanessa Tosoni Pearl Necklaces

Revenge is my favorite show on TV right now, and Victoria Grayson is without a doubt the best love to hate villain. She’s the ultimate Snob  so of course I was thrilled to see her wear my dear friend Vannesa Tosoni’s pearl necklaces on the January 6th episode. Since the first lady of Grayson manor has killed and committed unspeakable crimes for money, she can obviously buy anything she wants but lucky for everyone in the Hamptons, she didn’t need to kill for these affordable fresh water beauties. The large rounded Tiffany pearl necklace ($180) is like an updated version of the classic strand of pearls – perfect for a modern matriarch like Victoria. On its own, this is a piece with serious luster, but mixing it with two doubly long strand of smaller Michelle pearls ($160) created a layered look that was as chic as Victoria herself and yet still fit for a hot summer’s day of plotting at the beach. Find these on or e-mail Vanessa for more information.

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