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Seeds of Change Organic Watermelon Planting Pots: Better Homes & Gardens

Seeds of Change Organic Watermelon Planting Pots

I love gardening with my tots. Besides being a fun way to spend time outdoors, it’s a great learning experience for them (and bonus – you end up with food!). My kids grew potatoes in our backyard and were absolutely blown away that we could actually eat them. The source of what we consume has gotten so far away that it’s vital for us to educate tots on where our food really comes from. This Seeds of Change organic watermelon starter kit ($18.95) is perfect for showing them the safe, sustainable way to grow food. Watermelons get big pretty quickly, so the payoff isn’t too far away. And if your children have asking to get a pet, this is a cool test to see if they might actually care for it.

Then of course before you start pulling up your sleeves, you need the right tools. Since kids are either fascinated by bugs or scared of them, this colorful Melissa & Doug gardening kit ($24.99) will be a reminder of just how innocent and cute the little guys really are. It comes with gripper gloves, an adorable bucket hat, and a little tote filled with tools and even a coloring book (for when your tots need a break from the sun/dirt). If you think they can handle metal tools, then you probably already have those at home. These plastic pieces are safe and light, so kids won’t tire out as easily from using them. Available on Amazon.

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