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How To Be Positive This New Year


Indie Lee is nothing if not a survivor with an enviable outlook on life. After conquering a life-threatening brain tumor, she started her eco-friendly namesake beauty business because she strongly felt that the environmental toxins she was surrounded with contributed to her tumor. In a short amount of time she has managed to build up a strong brand with an ever-growing product assortment, and that is in no small part due to her tenacity and optimistic spirit. With that in mind we asked her to share with us her top ways to go into this new year with a positive mindset. Here’s what she had to say!

●  Start each day with appreciation. I used to start each day with gratitude. I’ve decided to turn up the volume this year and not only be grateful, but truly appreciate everything in my life.
●  Take time for yourself. As a mom and CEO, I find that I’m always trying to figure out how to manage my time and be more balanced. What I’ve learned is the simple act of taking 15 minutes for myself, whether it’s having tea, reading a magazine, playing on Pinterest, or closing my eyes for few minutes while listening to music. Those few minutes energize me so I can be at my best for others.
●  Be present. With technology at our fingertips, it’s easy to lose yourself in what needs to be done: the next email, the next task…always thinking about what is next. Try and stay in the moment; really listen and engage. If you are on a call, really listen and engage with that person. Don’t check emails or Instagram. We are missing out on what is in front of us by not fully partaking in our own life at each moment.
●  Smile more. Smiling boosts your immune system, helps lower stress levels, releases endorphins and serotonin, and acts as a natural pain killer. If you don’t believe me, check the research! Go ahead and show everyone that beautiful smile.
●  Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff in the end.
●  Really love your life and live it out loud. Tell your friends that they mean something to you, spend the extra time in the moment, say I love you to those you love, and most of all, love yourself.
●  Practice joy. Stop worrying about the things you can’t change. Happiness is truly a choice!
●  Challenges happen. Bad things will happen. We can’t control every moment of every day. But we can decide how we are going to react in these moments. These small shifts in thinking can have the largest impacts on our lives. When something I’m not particularly thrilled about occurs in my life, I say thank you. It’s about discovering what I can I learn from it and how can I turn it into an opportunity for growth.
●  Sometimes it’s easy to forget that among all the responsibilities we have, we also have a greater one to ourselves. Remember that always.

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